The zodiac's stages within the yul

both within OL texts as in relation to other traditions
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The zodiac's stages within the yul

Post by Kraftr »

I've seen a couple of left wing wicca content creators talk negative about the maiden-mother-crone that Graves made prominent. It is awful what a disservice feminist(or queer as they call it) perspective does to the understanding of matriarchy, or fulfilment for women. For example, one point made is that it REDUCES the woman to her biological role. Is this maybe a modern day magical inversion to twist the minds of women interested in spirituality and their worth? Why even speak on wicca or heathenry as if you love it, if your modern dogmatism trumps it in every instance.
There is a quiet obvious parallel between the life of a woman and the stages of the year. That has so many uses as a metaphor of our devellopments through life, it rather blows my mind and makes me find much needed inspiration in the female sooner then think less of women. I think a proof may be that the zodiac signs may be fitting in with this cycle, here is my interpretation of the 12 stages of a spiritual cycle, based on what I know of the dedications of each sign or the name of the symbol. So I could be corrected, I've never been into astrology). You'll start to see what I mean when you reflect on the interrelation with each signs'neighbor. One can infer the transformation and it can be applied to more then just lover-relationships. For instance the stages of an idea or project, your road in life, repeating even as it devellops and grows.

aries ethousiasm
taurus willpower
gemini partnership
cancer communion
leo boundaries
virgo continuity
libra calibration
Scorpio mystery
saggitarius skill
capricorn perspective
aquarius potential
pisces emergenge
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