part 2 of my triptych is Minerva. The point is to make art that sows together the mothercult, Beten/Matronen, pagan and christian art to come to more depth, but also to engage the minds of todays people. In a strict Fryan sense art like this is too much an idol, and the way for me to paint is with symbolism, not present in OL but associated by me, and it can invite religious mystique. The mothers were right about it, but what is a romantic artist to do?
It is meant to relate to Christian and Indo European motifs, like the beten/matronen. Some of the symbols I used probably predate or came after the Fryas and the events described in OLM. For myself I see it as making a painting from a different timeline where in middle ages this would have been made.
In most Catholic triptyches I saw the same division; on the left is Eden, birth, anunciation or heaven. To the right is Hell, Crucificion, a dark knight, and the middle is the royal, most Important that completes the trinity as the main event. Sometimes the crucifixion, Jesus' birth, or the last judgement like here.
I made a number of set ups for the middle one that are not quiet there yet, but now that I feel done with this Minerva right-side I'll get more RAM in my head for it.