Wralda's od

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Wralda's od

Post by Nordic »

This note makes commentary on the Wralda's od translation issue. The word od is attested in Norse saga usage when describing the Fennoscandian Magi 🇫🇮 paradise:
Guðmundr hét konúngr í Jötunheimum; hann var blótmaðr mikill; bær hans hét á Grund, en héraðit á Glasisvöllum; hann var vitr ok ríkr; hann ok menn hans lifðu marga mannsaldra, ok því trúa menn, at í hans ríki sé Ódáins-akr, en hverr, er þar kemr, hverfr af sótt ok elli, ok má eigi deyja. (Source: Hervarar Saga og Heiðreks, ch. 1)

er heiðnir menn kalla Ódáinsakr, en kristnir menn jörð lifandi manna eða Paradísum (Source: Eireks Saga Víðförla, ch. 1)

Fiallerum Scaniae praefectum exsilio adegit, quem ad locum, cui Undensakre nomen est, nostris ignotum populis concessisse est fama. (Source: Gesta Danorum, bk. 4, ch. 2.1)
Above examples are about a land of immortality where elder Norse kings retire to, the usage context being seemingly the same life force one as in the OL Wralda's od usage.

Hindu and Buddhist speak of the same land under the name of Uttarakuru (link), written by Greeks Attacori (link), but methinks those names refer instead of od/ódáin to the ruler names of that land, utra (link, line 80) and Utrekene (link, second poem, line 6). Native name is Odenma/Uudenmaa from Oden 'sun' plus maa 'land' (of which later echo Untamon maa). This is supported by the existence of similar sounding sun god Utu and the fact that Wodin war tale of OL is know as two different Utus in multiple Levantine war chronicles (one, two, three) and war of Wodin and Finns is the model for Finnish SKVR heathen poetry on war of Untamo (Wodin) and Kalervo/Kaleva (Finns).

Since it is sun rays that fertilize the mother earth and give birth to us the plant life, animals and us humans as the children, it's not absolutely necessary to see in OL usage of od a literal sense of human male-female sexual penetration (as in Freyr-Wralda making love to Freyja-Frya). It could also stand for supernatural, heavenly cosmic life force. We see this also in "the outrageous sagas of the Finns" (to use OL words) like Bock family saga (digital version, print version):
[p. 24] Frei received the wisdom of Oden [sun]. This made Frei a better man, a good man that created good men, fylgias and valkyrias. [...] From the seed of the ape [cf. Hymiskviða ape] and egg of the nanny-goat [cf. Heiðrún] were born first humans Sampo and Aino, or Frei and Freia. Sampo was first man and Aino the first woman. […] Sampo and Aino were also primordial beings whose birth had to do with nature’s miracle or odenting.

[p. 25] Sampo became the first Buck Lemminkäinen, or Bock, and Aino the first Swan, or Svan.

[p. 33] Swan is Suometar [så: mi: tar], ”seed me”-ess, ”sow me”-ess. She is the earthess [F. maatar, cf. mother]. Lemminkäinen represents the fertilizing sun like his father and mother, Ukko and Akka. These there characters represent the sun-wheel, or life-wheel. […] Sampo and Aino are Frei and Freia. […] Aino is sound-wise alltid Oden, or ”always Uuden” [double-meaning also as ’always anew’ i.e. immortal].

[p. 48]Vanir produced aesthetics out of gold. In paradise age Oden was represented by five elements: sun and sun rays, lightning and lightning rays [thunderbolts], fire and fire rays [radiating heat energy], semen and semen rays [family lines] and gold that reflected the sun rays.”
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