Born and raised in the Netherlands, now living and working in Norway, just above the Polar Circle, i'm intrigued and fascinated by the Oera Linda Bok.
Knowing my mother tongue better than most people in the Netherlands today, speaking English and German fluently, learning Norwegian currently, having some knowledge of the Roman languages Italian, Spanish and French, the Frya language in the Oera Linda Bok just feels very real and authentic to me, i have to say. Surprisingly.
Just as Jan Ott describes, it rings so many bells, the linguistics, grammar, etymology, aswell as historical, mythological and cultural references in every sense.
I want to thank Jan Ott for his due dilligence and 'ijverig' and painstaking, relentless effort on this project.
Looking forward to more spoken examples of the Frya language and Old Frisian dialects.
Would an audio book version of Oera Linda be feasible, at some point?
Regards, Andreas
Hi from Norway and Fryasland
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Re: Hi from Norway and Fryasland
Howdy Andreas, it's good to have you. I think an audiobook in the original language would be great.
Brea, bûter en griene tsiis is goed Ingelsk en goed Frysk