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Re: Tha letsta moderum

Posted: 25 Jan 2024, 14:16
by Kraftr
I'm not confident about the ''Kelta' print, but decided show it anyway to see how it is received. I'm still catching my breath from the urgency rush I had about everything last year, so I won't be making a new one very soon I think.
Also here 'the last mother' with a border. Maybe I'll make a second one of that scene too when time comes.
I still need to get better at printing itself aswell. I wonder also if people want to buy prints of me, how many should I make, and how I then should set up shop.

Re: Tha letsta moderum

Posted: 01 Feb 2024, 20:14
by Kraftr
I always really appreciate your comments Coco, good tips thank you. Computers annoy me, but I'm thinking pen drawing, probably digital would indeed give the best results. More slick, more detail, easily changed. New things to learn.
After an initial rush to produce something right now to counterbalance and soothe the negativity of our times, I will try take my time now a bit more, also with posting.
why I choose prints;
I wanted to add value to the world, that can be traded and excanged. And I searched all my life for the angle to make art that kicks the correct ass.
I believed tangible artobjects are a bit more holy, charming. There is something beautiful and wonderous about the texture of the paper and ink. Soberness is associated with Protestantism, but I suspect maybe Fryas already didn't even really like fancy art because of these illusions, and lino would be closer to that soberness, unpretentiousness. Art is almost instantly idolatrous and gnostic/esoteric, and there is a downside to that.
Another advantage is that the cruder forms of linocutting don't have much detail, and the observer's imagination will fill in, and would stay closer to themselves instead of me leading them.
The checkerboard was an intuitive thing, looking at tea-towels, but since I carved it I noticed it in ancient greek mosaic (of a nautical event i believe), celtic fabric and shields and kalash clothing, so maybe something ancestral came through? It is likely one of the first patterns to weave.
My prints would be displayed in a wooden frame behind glass, autographed and numbered limited edition, they are not posters to me. The frame could be carved/decorated too.

try-out figurine abt 10cm high
moder.jpg (98.5 KiB) Viewed 3414 times

Re: Tha letsta moderum

Posted: 08 Feb 2024, 14:53
by Kraftr
well, I went digital. Still not happy with the face, I need to do some model drawing. Also, it was easier in a way, but its very annoying to not know how to in and export pictures between maps with IOS, you cant browse or save to any maps that are not suggested.
moeder.png (147.71 KiB) Viewed 2860 times

Re: Tha letsta moderum

Posted: 10 Feb 2024, 15:44
by Kraftr
yeah I meant folders. I have GIMP but not much experience, things like layers is not clear to me yet. Years ago I was doing a lot in coreldraw, but forgot most of it, and abandoned it because I saw my handwork benefitted from pencil and paper, and throughout life I had to push myself back to draw more again and again.
It's so easy to clean up or rearange digitally, I became slacking as a real artist. My annoyance is colored by this fight with myself I think. I spoke to soon, there are (just hard to find) menuoptions to import stuff, and I'm already redoing old work. I'll have to find out how to increase the resolution(btw, this picture was made smaller before posting) Thanks for all the tips!

Re: Tha letsta moderum

Posted: 22 Feb 2024, 11:49
by Kraftr
moeder r.jpg
moeder r.jpg (151.73 KiB) Viewed 2665 times
'kelta16sj.jpg (159.18 KiB) Viewed 2665 times
borg j.jpg
borg j.jpg (100.07 KiB) Viewed 2665 times

Re: Tha letsta moderum

Posted: 22 Feb 2024, 11:54
by Kraftr
Freya comic style j.jpg
Freya comic style j.jpg (83.48 KiB) Viewed 2664 times
IMG_1876.png (192.14 KiB) Viewed 2664 times
sailor j.jpg
sailor j.jpg (153.14 KiB) Viewed 2664 times

Re: Tha letsta moderum

Posted: 22 Feb 2024, 11:54
by Kraftr
moeder cover j.jpg
moeder cover j.jpg (154.21 KiB) Viewed 2662 times

Re: Tha letsta moderum

Posted: 25 Feb 2024, 13:11
by Kraftr
Thanks for the comments and suggestions. Please keep being a guide Coco, I need a feedback partner on the art and you are the best one for it.The opinion of others is welcome too, especially if they disagree with Coco. I will make higher resolution ones with a chance for improvements or different scenarios too (borg, Kelta). Without guidance I just have fun, like the current aureole, pompeblad, or the stars as sort of waterlilies. (to evoke comments too)
working on lions, dress and bigger boobs made these remnant flawed arms more noticable. I could just rest her elbow on the chairarm, hand on lap, or give her something like a book, sword, bread, egg or mudra, like the wellknown christ two finger 'speaking' mudra. Maybe a smaller head or lions will balance it.
The aureole is from me playing with sixfold patterns.(it is the sum of 1 bulgy star of David, 3x visica pisces and 2x triskele) I have another aureole that is like a triangle built globe, like the 3D flower of life ball, it made me think of Wralda, which would be appropriate. Should I take the buddist wheel as example or just a plain yul? And is there a deadline, demands, format prescription etc if this or any artwork is to be used for the book? Should we handle this outside of the forum? I'm a bit busy this week IRL now, but I am obsessed and can't even stop making new work anyway. The only one that didn't click yet was Jesos, I found it hard to imagine how it would look much different from known 'sermon on the terp' or Buda under the tree of life pictures.
In my mind I'm working on Frisos baern and Nearchus, thinking of maybe a more neoclassical version of the children.

Re: Tha letsta moderum

Posted: 04 Mar 2024, 19:38
by Kraftr
II meant if there is any meaning to the ornamentation of the spokes of the buddist wheel, which I like, but Ill just make it a simple line Yul. I will keep the hands empty too. I respect your version of Jesus and I assumed the same before considering other options. It still is a plausible option for me, and it's nice to be friendly to Christianity nowadays. But about Jesus was just a side remark. I'm very associative, so many things could be separate posts, but I also want to restrain myself, so I put it in one comment as a spacesaver. I wish more people would post and react, I like different opinions and informality so I don't feel like a knowitall by my urge to contribute without caviats of humility for shortcomings. So I purposely intend a non-expert conversation style in posting, and hope getting affirmation or corrections. I'd love if I can make someones vision real to their wishes or better as imagined.

still crude drawing with perspective angle and some ornamental creativity, sweet lions
M2.jpg (103.78 KiB) Viewed 2572 times

Re: Tha letsta moderum

Posted: 05 Mar 2024, 12:55
by ott
Kraftr wrote: 25 Feb 2024, 13:11Without guidance I just have fun
Creating should be fun in the first place. I like what you said earlier about working with natural materials, at least in first instance.
is there a deadline, demands, format prescription etc if this or any artwork is to be used for the book?
A new print edition is not planned yet. I intend to start planning when Bruce is satisfied with the final edits. At the moment I try to keep focussed on the first draft of my new Dutch translation (and on a personal note, our 6th child was born last week, so that also offers pleasant distraction).

My idea was to design a whole new cover with something in the style of "Thet Freske Riim / Tractatus Alvini" (link) as an example: stylized, simple.

* a Frya or general mother-figure (stylized but still radiationg beauty and perfect anatomical proportions: I am aware that this is a challenge)
* 2 lions (of old Greater-Frisian coat of arms and relating to the lion sitting at Frya's feet in Fryas was white text)
* 1 wheel
* a lamp or flame

It should be so clear that it could be (have been) used on a shield or flag.
I may change my mind about the book cover last minute as it must really feel good and I cannot predict that.
I work on intuition mostly, though have a long term overall strategy.