I'll explain myself a bit more for those who like reading a really long "dissident right" post, about my finding
OL to be so pivotal even if it would be fiction because I realise there is so many layers in my reasoning and shorthand writing. Hopefully it may serve your own argumentations and thinking around these topics.
I guess my objection is that "Faustian'is a kind of weaselword; it conflagrates multiple things: individualism, curiousity, willingness to change perspective, engagement with the world, but also imperialism, war, mad scientists, challenging the gods and laws of nature, dominering, utilitarian thinking. And I object to that created greyzone to project these things as a sort of inheritly connected spectrum and a sort of curse.
I'm not saying that Goethe and Nietzsche can be discarded as mindfucking wizards, and I'm thrilled to be rebutted, my main point is just that there is some fascinating thinking to be done here, and just express enthusiasm to provoke a conversation. I would love if people would quote OLM and write a piece about it, what it means to them.
I believe the nihilist era of Nietzsche is running thin and another horizon is unfolding. Nietzsches discourse of Faust, Dionysos or Prometeus is very coloured by his overarching arguments and rather more illustrative of his thoughts around them, and I critiqued it as such.
So, I didn't really get to Goethe's work itself yet.
The origin of the story switches some concepts around making it timeless, but kind of 'hidden hand'.
First layer; the original Faust was a real man, who behaved a bit like a Druid or Magi;travelling, doing magic and getting accused of swindle. A bit of a stereotype that could be originally used as antisemetic or anti-pagan. Anyway, a bit of a flat story.
Then Goethe washes that layer off and opens a deeper thought, makes him relatable as a german, Faust is like a true European in love with Wralda, a never satisfied endeavour, and frustrating, the joy of life. Mostly in a material utilitarian way, wich is a shortsighted way to engage Wralda. His influencer is also ambiguous; it could be a condemnation of a less dualistic pagan side, his Jungian dark side, a swindler, a nihilist teacher or evil incarnate. Mephisto the seductive liar, the biblical devil, waging the soul for satisfaction. One level Magi-type trick is thus by Goethe himself by "biblifying' this, by making the issue a sort of prison, like boeddism and Abrahamism does with life. But also, like Faust, we as reader are seduced and merged with Mefisofeles' project. There are so many layers, it is an enjoyable maze for thoughts. An artists' literary trick to make an everinteresting piece of art, wich unfortunately can be a capture too, like an idol(and I disliked Faust for that reason earlier). Like Nietzsche's Faustian/Prometean concept I don't dismiss, their works and points are still marvellous, and who am I anyway.
(I also find it intriguing that he talks of 'the mothers', female gods and Helen(nia?)of Troy, and kicks 'the old gods from their house' making us homeless spiritually instead of diasporic fysically like others. I'll have to check the audiobook out again sometime to dive into that, maybe Goethe knew more)
20 years ago I realised I want a sovereign free country and to protect the ongoing story of European culture, that all of the left was essentialy Marxist, and all modern thinking seemed to lead to a dead end street, and I predicted the future pretty well in some writing I did, shocking myself. The years before joining the forum I made a messianic drawing inspired by (Asha Logos and) what I took from Nietzsche, Torah and the most common Indoeuropean heroic storyarc. At the time I wanted to know what's on the opposite of progressivism, and got inspired by Julius-'the most right wing thinker'-Evola's credo to 'revolt against modernity'. So I set out to find my goal in the past, the root. I thought; opposed to the illusions around progress we need a concept of our root and identity, agency and spiritual mastery with the least distortions. Evola believed in the natural appearance and neccesity of hierarchy, the spirituality behind kingship/sovereignty, (as is also touched upon by liberal Jordan Peterson or Hobbes). It also lined up with what I learned from a rabbi I watched; that Adam was the first in line of this priestly kingship.
I also heard about myths like Odin, the creative act of Marduk vs Tiamat, I took Asha Logos' reference to archery, experiencing this revalation as a personal act of spiritual 'jihad', overcoming, kairos and will, a goal for my energy to work on what's right to not fall and stay down, my agency as a creator, the human hands of Wralda, the creator, it's workings and it's work.
And I recently found theres a story of an Armenian archer hero killing the king of Babel, such a badass metaphor. The whole Rittenhouse saga was not soon after I drew it too, made me think at the time all of it was a sign of a coming Messiah, or justice(the law of Ewa), or a psyopp tapping off of that kind of energy manifesting. I believe there is a real realm of human collective concious, daemons, or archons, thoughts and fears we have collectively at any time. A rithm or mood that is also being played by secret societies and we need to become players ourselves, creators. So the idea, and magic, is not without merit.
Come to understand recently Evola was not only a Daddaist(deconstructive modern and precursor to futurism), before going ultratraditionalist, but also wrote on magic. My analysis (and bias) is that I think this train of thought like Evola's (and Nietzsche)-toward strength and hierarchy- regimentation and witchhunts wether left-or rightwing or religious are the Magi types' playpen.
Thats why I find the OLstory lines up with what thinkers Oswald Spengler and Jason Jorjani say;- it gives warning of a fundamental deceit in our thinking patterns not being truly European but eastern magical that overtook the citystate/kinship ethos as Spengler says; -and that this native ethos's defensiveness was and is maligned as hostile to surface level feelgood universalist dogma, but actual subversion of what is correct. And too, -that our religion, messianism/semidivine demonslayer, apocalyps(note similarity to Northern religions), Dionysos, Aphrodite, Hell, despotism, and more- are eastern concepts. Also explainable by OL Magi's rule is Spenglers conception of a russian/slavic soul, that senses a hole of a lost European spirit, as its famous writers espouse. And as we know the continent endured despotic slavery before communism and Tsar. My 'discovery' expressed in my Adam/Odin drawing lined up the root concept from Torah/Genesis, Nietzsche, Evola, and mythology, I then found to be no coincidence, but a masculine Scythian/Persian hierarchy/messiah mold.
So I think maybe 'verfremdung' is part of Fausts'condition, a product of a Magi-poisoned environment. Uprootedness, losing our peoples daemonspirit, makes that we never find home to feel like home, haunted, lost in romantic thinking and naivity. The dark side of this psyche manifests as a subtle fight or flight response that is channelled into either romantic attachment to adolecence, or ego, materialism and it's fruits; Sturm und drang and Faustian spirit. But come to find out from the Mothers' legend- both accepting the calculated legislative(demanding submission) subversion of spirituality, or the naked, atheist embrace of universalism, science and economics of today- as the way of the world are not our only options or duty.
Er Aldaric wrote: ↑02 Dec 2023, 20:39
We, Frya’s children, are emergences through Wralda’s life, in the beginning mean and bare, but always becoming and advancing towards perfection, without ever becoming as good as Wralda himself. - Primal Teachings 2
This is illustrative of the clash between aspirational(Hellenistic-striving for exellence) vs legislative(Hamurabi-thou shalt not/punishment)
to be fair;Jesus'sacrifice would be to mend this faulty un-european base-authoritarian atitude within Abrahamics.
-But, it even ruined christianity later on, and recognition of his heroism entangled Europe to become part of the eastern sectarian divided brotherhood of bible sects.
Like Faust, the west, I too, growing up in rebellious popculture, have a romantic Dionysian, adolecent mind, constantly recharging in an naivelike honesty and wondering engagement, falling in love, identifying passionately, but within a consumerist fashionwizzed pampered world with a short horizon, no idea of time or worth. And I love the recognition to this avatar Faust, and our flexability to reassert and question again and again. But our recognition of Faustian pain and search gives a false sense of home and is, like Jesus, placeholder of a stable more true identity.
A wise (grand)motherly mentality, a reconnection to peace, love and reason is needed amid the strife. Something quiet simple but solid, beyond the masculine 'battle of wits' of sheppards of human flocks. Becoming old, you will end up with a caracter. One needs a certain age before getting into Kabala for that reason. With a caracter, instead of knowledge, one has some solid ground to place speculative and esoteric knowledge. A preemptive satisfaction before engaging the never ending quest for understanding and bombardment of information and wizardry, a kind of knowing without knowing, a sharpened intuition. Our own unshakable road in the world. A root. Peace. Anantha veda-oneindig weten. As proof; I found that my intuitions, having a feel for deeper narratives while scanning summaries and lectures, though sometimes misguided, were most times more helpfull in gaining ground than studying books meticulously did. Or that many unschooled minds reek deceit better than the learned(brainwashed). OL gives a sense of our caracter.
I'm not a trained filosopher nor have I read all that I reference or know it in depth, it's mostly Youtube knowledge. When it comes down to it I'm a student rather than a teacher, and overall and to the point I'm making vs the Faustian spirit, isn't that better than trying to be a hero or Messiah with inevitable blindness to your flaws? Rule like Kelta thought she would..
So I'm merely sharing my internet journey and amateur thinking on the subject (European spirit) because I think probably here search people most likely to understand. Because for me OL was imperative in this breakthrough, and nr1 reason for my excitement about it, more than historic connecting. I would be happy to learn more from people who are more knowledgeable on any of the thinkers or stories I mention. I actually tried to skip as much as I need to get to the core of what I need to understand to make art for the ages finally.
And I need to find or be shown more deep stuff in OL for sure.
When watching their podcasts I thought people like filosophyprofessor John Vervaeke with his analysis of the 'meaning crisis' were correctly diagnosing the problem of (post)modern thinking, but their (shepperd)bias and lack of 'Motherknowledge' didn't let these verbose intellectuals get to the crux it seemed to me. These smartest among us, before and now, staying in the same arenas could have unseen bias or even an agenda -that much could be identified by a barbarian like me.
OL answered this quest of Vervaeke, it gives an honest chance to embrace God, ethnos and self, mind, matter and history, a value to life, without abandoning reason and openness like most religion, nor submission to dogma or mysticism.
That materialism, dominance, idolatry, irrationality, anti-creation and anti-freedom not need to be part of our conception of an inborn core to (northwest)European thought and soul, as truly feels natural and is confirmed by the pejorative name 'unbelievers' their neighbors gave the Kalash people.
And it revivifies otherwise dead end persuits into history and Western filosophical/religious cannon, as hints of Frya inthere already did. Because there are plenty of connections and a next epoch of integrating thought there to be explored, when one recognizes the OL filosophy and cosmology, and set them against other pillars of 'western' thought. This is why I also like McGillcrist's more 'pagan-friendly' takes.
I don't think it is me who will do all that scolarship though, I lack in academic method and reading, I can just see it open up as an observer, and maybe inspire and gladly delegate to a scolarly reader of my post.
My main calling in life is art, not even truth or challenging convention, just to seek and emit inspiration, and create. In fact I see that our symbiosis with the Magi has lead to some great art. And the Fryas' plainness is a bit 'boring',as all straight and narrow is, but very recognisable for a Dutchman. The Dutch always tend to take the zest out of things with our who-do-you-think-you-are-mentality, which always frustrated my lofty art-desires. Even if Northern Europe saw very tenacious Protestantism, we are not wired for Messiahs, and the puritanism was more due to the desire for an independant church than for a divine ruler I believe.
I'm gen X and love doom and edgyness, delving into the dark,dramatic, forbidden, gothic, magical, superstitious, esoteric etc. Maybe it reminds of the dark forrests, winter, hardship, danger and evil mystics we lived through. It's fruitfull for art and music, so I don't even abhor all things I now consider Magi. We need to learn even.
Evola is a great example of this fascination that I found wanting after reading OL. And I think to any OL reader it is visible where the mindclosing and spiritual hiding behind magic of selfdefeat happens. The dark side gives a comfort to weakness in a very ego-gaslighting way.
And that is why I post this; OL can keep dissident right spiritually/filosophically inclined people to stay on their thinking toes lightly, while answering and inspiring their fundamental needs, as it did for me. It can do what Yahweh did for Jews, the Maccabeans were a kind of mirror to Frisians. Esther(Ishtar?) a mirror to Minerva?(like there's many switches of human hero to god(dess) and God/Daemon to human hero?
So still a lot of inspiration to be found in the Bible. But I would prefer Frya, like fresh air. Not just because she is 'ours'-though that is cool.
But because there is no disconnect between spirit and life.
Because it clicks with my experience with European common sense and love of freedom, life and unity. Levelheaded, Ewa.
It revalidates a peacefull but non naive understanding of racial and national identity.
Points to a very likely but hardly researched more deeper rooted pan-European identity, pre(proto)-Abrahamic and pre(proto)-pagan and shows the most important fight; Faith and our tribal right and nature, while actually exactly removing the touch of evil previous thinking on ethnic nationality had. Not a 3rd 4th or 5th position, but a very natural down to earth, very Dutch position.
It is -if not true- at least very inspiring and fitting for todays questions for all Indo-Europeans. Even after my best effort to believe that it is actually written by Haverschmidt, who did joke around with Sturm und drang culture of fantasy and romantic longing for authenticity, it would have to be with the intent as I am experiencing it now, and then it is an absolutely godly feat of great insight into psychology and Europe, while giving a great story that you don't even should want to abandon and dismiss. Like Tolkien or St.Nickolas-yulefest, or a great religion, it has never ending layers, and a (super)natural correctness. And is therefore at least as valid as any religion of filosophy ever was.
[sidenote;I still believe there is too much evidence for a Godess cult, eastern spiritual warfare, and things HaverSchmidt couldn't know and would be too much work. It rings so true. It is a weird expierence to be doubting, believing, wanting to believe and being okay with it being fiction all at once. I like that side effect even, the fragility that all good things have, it keeps me awake and going.]
I mean if we interpret it as an artwork of rebellion against the conceptions of our history and culture, I love it just as much! It is a kind of comforting euforic study for my beliefs and heuristics that have, with the coming of AI, hyperreality and fight over truth, become so poignant. Plus, Frya truly is a Daemon, a manifestation of our collective soul, even if HaverSchmidt was the first to do so.
And that's why I chose it as a worthwhile fascination. I think sturm und drang was much like the hippyperiod both a kelta-like error aswell a rightfull early complaint against materialism. And it answers my search (for a concept of our root, as opposed to the illusions around progress and an identity with the least distortions) in such a wholesome way.It portrays a plausible, intriguing and aspirational grasp of our peoples Deamon and prehistory.
To deny that Germanic peoples have a right to shape, cherish and pursue their own interests and caracter as a people is malevolent and even more evil than supremacist beliefs; it is actually hatefull and not at all how Europeans have treated others most of history, even now as we are smothered in immigration and thoughtcontrol about it, nor is it promoted by the mothers, rather the opposite. Genetics are expressed in behaviour, skills and culture. So protection of any of these implies protection of the others and there is nothing evil about that, in fact internationally we condemn ethnic cleansing, destruction of (native)cultures etc. and this international sense of justice was largely carried by the hard core of european morals.
As a teenager I had a 'never again' sticker on my lamp, and I'm still against ethnic hate, slavery, war and what I thought the sticker referred to; genocide.-including against our people. At that time however that seemed inconceivable, unless by nuclear war, so I wished that wouldn't befall others. Now I have to come to our defence, and find out that other ethnicities, opportunistic, less appealable to responsibility because they feel embattled,and not selfreflective of their spite don't have that mindset in general, especially toward us.
So compared to counterculture OLM should at least be a legitimate friendly cultural joy to be valued as much as Bob Marley, Tom Sawyer, Captain America, Baron von Muenschhausen or Harry Potter. Similar to how we don't even exactly know who the Statue of Liberty represents, but actually celebrate it and understand it on sight- also as a reference to european beliefs.
OL set me on the path that working through the bad fruits of materialism/democracy/liberalism/romanticism we don't have to discard them completely and get seduced into a black and white cultist worldview, damning religiousity, zealous with dogma and fighting without deep understanding. Romanticism, idolatry and Will to power are treacherous. Taboo, lies, human nature and suspicion make it hard to find nuance, and not walk into a bad outcome any way you feel you should stand on the most controversial topics. The Magi's mindfucking is a great metaphore for that sneaky 'selfdelusion-for-lust-of-power' that will betray in the end. It doesn't lay subversiveness at the feet of any ethnicity, since its present day inheritors can be sought in all types of religion, even Hare Krishna, maybe Ostrogoths and Visigoths, church, nobility as well as academics, novelists, opinionmakers, conspiracy nuts, mystery cults and initiation brotherhoods all over humanity. It joins the left and right brain; knowledge and reason with God, love and delecate agency. It mostly criticises the method and persuasive reasoning of deceit, the making of a spiritually hollow construct for a mostly mental overpowering, leading people to real world usery and slavery.
I conclude that OL in fact discards zealotry, persecution, oppression, last century's fascism- as at it's core alien to the true European spirit and race. That as a filosophical concept 'Magi-ism', and it's leitmotif/inheritance that I spy tainting all Anno Dominus/common era thinking and political disasters, was their cause and tragic scriptwriter at the bottom. I'm reminded of Victor Klemperer's book LTI, about how he noticed the corruption of language as an instrument of the regime.
It shows up again in the current pile of nihilist despair and makebelief, a culmination from the centuries of seductive but dissapointing plastersaint idolatous façade of reality and spirit. It was just not good enough, and we all always knew it. Nietzsche or Evola also did not truely escape, or reconstruct our soul, because they just built on older less obviously tainted myths. What bothered me about my Adam hero drawing was that his act of slaying the demonbird could be interpreted as satans(prometheus) revolt, a messianic connondrum, an impossible ascent of justice. And this makes the picture of Kelta so great to me, as an inversion of that, showing the rebellious sunrise pride as the seductive trap after her Magicounsel. But, of course any artwork can only say so much.
( to their credit, Nietzsche did talk about spite masked as justice, Evola and Nietzsche might also love Frya for understanding sovereignty and a Nation best understood as a religious concept, and most notably Faust has become much more present and deeper to me)
Thinking about it even makes me suspect that, like a studentmentality delivers a master, a male shepard-god will deliver a feminin herd nation, but a goddess just might produce a sound masculine stability of freedom, justice and peace, and the book might set in motion the next step for the European spirit. And it can get Abrahamists/other ethnicities to see the light even. All have a healing proces to do as such coming to terms with history's deceptions and our separate natures, before we can hope to melt or whatever.
So, not throwing out Machiavelli, real politic, bible, polytheism, lefthand path magic or anything as total nonsense, but this is what makes the difference to me and why I just can not get over the greatness of the Lady of Love, Frya, and why it was such a revelation experience sofar for me. And my country and people being Her homeground still blows my mind even more, and seems to fit and be needed so much.