Mythological Rememberance or A Tale of Two Abrahams, matriarchy in the middle east

both within OL texts as in relation to other traditions
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Mythological Rememberance or A Tale of Two Abrahams, matriarchy in the middle east

Post by Kraftr »

too many interesting things to list in this presentation;

Liba takes us on a journey back to a time before the Abrahamic religions, when the Near East, stretching from Iran through Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, the Levant, and all the way to Egypt, was a vibrant hub of goddess figurines and mythologies.

Who was She, the divine feminine archetype?
Why was She of paramount importance in our ancestors' lives?
What led to Her gradual disappearance from our collective consciousness?

Liba Waring Stambollion is an artist, writer and independent researcher. Liba has given conferences around the globe on the Sacred Feminine, including conferences at the Yadegarebastan Research Center in Iran. She is currently finishing her book, The Tree and the Triple Goddess, which will be launched in 2024.

This presentation was given Thursday October 5th, during World Health Week. Part of a Dreams and Divinities calendar for ACFH at INDRA STUDIOS HACKNEY WICK -London, UK
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Re: Mythological Rememberance or A Tale of Two Abrahams, matriarchy in the middle east

Post by Kraftr »

I believe a female looking religion was dominant everywhere. The reason I think women were used as a sort of clergy is because men had mostly practical competative stuff to do, and women can be very meticulous, compassionate, precautious, and conservative. And are naturally drawn to spirituality, community, welbeing.
Now men have to engage intellectually, because the culture is challenged, but then it was a matter of maintenance. Min Erva became a hero because she was the first challenged, not because she was a cultleader, and why she rejected deification.
the more I learn, and I'm binging a lot, I feel there was a very comfy high intelligence culture in the west before 'recorded' history. And (derivations of it) were shaping eastern cultures too. And this presentation is just in line with this, so maybe I have a more sympathetic feeling when I see it, than seeing it in conflict with Frya's culture.
To me this video just confirms that a female god preceded the patriarchal religion and I pick up a lot of patterns. As she explains with the distinction between en-an and an-en; the female dominant in sumerian shows the document is older. Also I see similarities; pleiades'seven, the lions, a seated woman.
I also just found a great and proffesionally researched podcast on Maltas temples worth a watch from this same Dutch 'dollar store joe rogan'' channel of my other post and one about black pete, pretty good but a bit too unrelated to post I felt.
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