Frya's Script found on Dacian artifact?

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Er Aldaric
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Frya's Script found on Dacian artifact?

Post by Er Aldaric »

I saw an article that caught my eye - an ancient Sphinx sculpture from Dacia was allegedly deciphered. The translators claim it to be some code using archaic greek characters to spell out a sentence in 'photo-hungarian'. That sounded fishy to me, so I looked into it and it turns out the translation claim was nonsense and made up by some sort of Hungarian nationalist, who claims a number of ancient civilizations to be Turkic. Image
So the translation is still up in the air - but that script is recognizable. It looks like reversed Frya's script. As if the original sculpture could have been a wax seal or stamp. Interestingly the Goths were present in Dacia in the first millennium and there is a swastika on the chest of the sphinx. I can't verify the authenticity of this artifact 100% however, the physical object was stolen from the count who was in possession of it, and the drawing is what remains.

Here is a link to the article: ... eciphered/
This discussion on Reddit explains some more context around the alleged translation: ... sphinx_is/

The Fryas script I can make out on the artifact is: (S?), À ,P, (S?), A, P, N
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Re: Frya's Script found on Dacian artifact?

Post by Nordic »

Thanks for bringing this up. A fascinating image, with the Isle of Man style svastika! The northernmost sphinx I know of is in a Pictish image stone The Maiden Stone (link) complete with an Egyptian goatee beard. That Pictish example is a rare thing that borders on taboo secret as few seem to know of it and it's commonly mislabeled as 'centaur', despite the same stone also showing actual human torso centaurs.

Sphinx represents symbolically someone who is atop the food chain (eats others below him), but is not a mere animal but a human or human-like with wisdom and intelligence. Thus having some majestetic or royal to the character. Similar god figures, but in reverse are the German lion-man (link), the Gnostic Yaldabaoth (link) and Egyptian Atlas of Atlantis, or Shu and his wife Tefnut (link), plus all the 'master (mistress) of animals' figurines (link). Similar symbolical language is used in Oera Linda creation myth (MS 008, MS 009) with killing a number of lions mentioned and how Frya's gaze would make a lion lie down at her feet.

I more or less concur with the research proposed in the research article (link) as the solution. The idea that text is immediately relevant to the image presented is a common archeology analysis method to study yet undeciphered texts. However the S letter is seemingly both akin to the one in Oera Linda book, making me question if the Oera Linda S is the root model for both the sphinx letter S and the later peculiar medieval era S (link).
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Er Aldaric
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Re: Frya's Script found on Dacian artifact?

Post by Er Aldaric »

That maiden stone is fascinating. I was hoping I wouldn't embarrass myself too much with this post considering my lack of knowledge surrounding languages. I didn't come across the seemingly extended version of text you posted below either and it looks substantially more greek to my untrained eye. The 'proto-hungarian' explanation still bugs me though.
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