A thought on Lydians
Posted: 05 Feb 2024, 20:20
Lately I saw a bit about the Natufians, who spread over north Africa and Arab peninsula and Horn of Africa. A Darker type human mostly still present in Arab genes. I saw Africans and Arabs fight in the comments over if they were African or Caucasian. I have speculated myself if the old Europeans even interacted with sub-Saharans, because of distance, their low numbers nor involvement in trade back then.
Back in the day people were called black merely because of black (facial) hair, eyes, or copper skin while still being european genetically .
So then Lydians where actually these Natufians, and any subSaharans where just considered part of them, and encountered through them. On some maps the northwest of Turkey was/is called Lydia, I think there is where Europe considered its border. On ancient maps also only Northern Africa is depicted, maybe as a map of 'our' world, not the whole world.
Natufians if I understand correctly appear to have mostly Caucasian genes without Neanderthal, a few percent subsaharan because of proximity, so they're maybe a really old European type, like a first wave.
Another option;
(South)Indians could be Lydians in Scythian eyes, and the three human mothers concept may have been a really old one that migrated west. The Lydian name may have been used for all southern tribes. I met an east-African that from his looks I would guess was a Hindustani.
I don't consider standard out-of-Africa theory to be unshakingly proven, Natufian DNA might be a key to that question both ways.
Back in the day people were called black merely because of black (facial) hair, eyes, or copper skin while still being european genetically .
So then Lydians where actually these Natufians, and any subSaharans where just considered part of them, and encountered through them. On some maps the northwest of Turkey was/is called Lydia, I think there is where Europe considered its border. On ancient maps also only Northern Africa is depicted, maybe as a map of 'our' world, not the whole world.
Natufians if I understand correctly appear to have mostly Caucasian genes without Neanderthal, a few percent subsaharan because of proximity, so they're maybe a really old European type, like a first wave.
Another option;
(South)Indians could be Lydians in Scythian eyes, and the three human mothers concept may have been a really old one that migrated west. The Lydian name may have been used for all southern tribes. I met an east-African that from his looks I would guess was a Hindustani.
I don't consider standard out-of-Africa theory to be unshakingly proven, Natufian DNA might be a key to that question both ways.