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Post by ZeeE »


My name is Elisabeth, I am Dutch and my mother and her elder were from Friesland. So I am half Fries :D although I do not speak or understand it (yet).
I was really very charmed with the discovery of Oera Linda, which was this week and since then I gather information about it, bought the ebook and follow videos.
I saw what was said about God, and that was what I had thought of and experienced by myself so.. I agreed ;) . Never heard a complete simple form of what was exactly as I saw it. To me it feels like it could be very old and very true, but even if it is not.. The value for me is in what is written. And for that reason it is already of very much value to me.

The book looks lovely! I hope there will be soon an Dutch version too.
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Re: Discovery

Post by ott »

Welkom, Elisabeth!
Good to hear your interest was sparked and you took action so swiftly.
Yes, I've picked up translating into Dutch again, but as there will aslo be much to do designing, producing and distributing the new English edition, the work may not be continuous.
Looking forward to your participation.
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