Experimental calendar reconstruction
Posted: 23 Mar 2024, 12:47
As indicated in chapters 93.18, 113.23, and 154.17 of the Oera Linda Book, certain months are specified by name. Jan has previously noted the Julian names, and I have since sought to determine the form of a complete Frya calendar by utilizing additional sources to fill in the remaining gaps.
In addition to the OLB, the two oldest sources of Germanic calendars are Bede's Reckoning of Time, written in 725 CE, and Einhard's Life of Charlemagne, written between 817-821 CE. In Reckoning of Time, Bede provides the following names in Latin and Old English:
In Reckoning of Time, Bede gives the following names in Latin and Old English, along with some commentary:
It is noteworthy that some of Bede's months appear to have been named after idols, such as Sol and Hretha, suggesting a connection to ritual sacrifice. For instance, the month of Blodmonath is associated with blood sacrifices. This practice may have been influenced by the rule of the Gola in Britain, or it may be a misunderstanding. For instance, the name "Sol" might refer to sol with a short o, suggesting soil or mud (as in Saxon "Söle" and Dutch "zol"). Similarly, "hreth" might be related to Old English "hrēþ" meaning "glory, triumph, honor," akin to Old Norse "hróðr" meaning "praise" and Scandinavian "rygte/rykte" meaning "rumour, reputation." The slaughtering of an animal during the Yulefeast might have been mistakenly interpreted as a ritual sacrifice. Further research is warranted in this area.
At this stage, a combination of the Oera Linda months and the Einhard months has been employed (denoted by a star). This reconstruction is regarded as a preliminary draft and is intended to serve as a foundation for further analysis and refinement.
1. HERDE.MÔNATH (Hard Month, January)
• Fryas HERDE means hard, fierce, forceful.
• Meaning: This month is characterized by the presence of frigid weather conditions and limited rations.
• German: Hartemonat
2. SELLA.MÔNATH (Buy Month, February)
• Fryas SELLA means buy, VRSELLA means sell, in the same way German kaufen means buy and verkaufen means sell. That said, there might have been an intentional double meaning in the name, making it Buy & Sell Month.
• Meaning: It is possible that the markets reopened in February.
• German: (Ver)kaufenmonat
3. *LENDSAN.MÔNATH (Long Month, March)
• Rhine Frankish: Lentzinmanoth
• Compare: Old Frisian lendza “prolong, long”; Old Saxon lentin; Old English lengten/lencten, lengtentīd/lenctentīd “spring, lit. prolonged time.”
• Meaning: The duration of daylight hours increases in March, marking the onset of spring.
• German: Lenzmonat
4. *ÁSTER.MÔNATH (Easter Month, April)
• Rhine Frankish: Ostarmanoth
• Compare: Old Frisian āster, āsteron, Old High German ōstara, ōstarūn, ōstarmānōd.
• Fryas ÁSTER- means easter-, e.g. ÁSTER.SÉ is lit. Easter Sea, in German Ostsee. It is assumed that Fryas follows the same pattern as German Ost/Ostern and English east/Easter.
• Meaning: Easter, signifying the onset of spring, is characterized by the rise of the sun and moon in the east. Richard Sermon's 2022 treatise, titled "Eostre and the Matronae Austriahenae," posits a correlation between the appellation "Easter" and the phenomenon of dawn. The vernal equinox occurs on March 21st, while the onset of a full moon is typically observed at the beginning of April. Consequently, the Easter month corresponds to the dawn of spring, and the dawn commences in the east.
• German: Ostermonat
5. WINNA/MINNA/FRJUNDSKIP.MÔNATH (Win/Love/Friendship Month, May)
• Fryas WINNA means to win, MINNA means love, FRJUNDSKIP means friendship.
• Meaning: During this month, individuals often experience the cultivation of romantic or friendly relationships. This phenomenon may be associated with the historically joyous May Day celebration. The term "MINNA" might be related to the month of May, thus leading to the metaphorical interpretation of the Maypole as a "love pole." While this may appear humorous, it is also a reflection of the cultural association between spring and fertility. Additionally, grains such as wheat, barley, oats, and rye are often sown during this period.
• German: (Ge)winnen-/Minne-/Freundschaftsmonat
6. *BRÀK.MÔNATH (Fallow Month, June)
• Rhine Frankish: Brachmanoth
• Fryas BRÀK means fallow. Compare German brach.
• Meaning: A portion of the fields are not cultivated, that is, they are not utilized for the growth of crops, as would be the case in the context of crop rotation, a practice of significant importance to the long-term health of the soil. Additionally, the onset of summer is observed.
• German: Brachmonat
7. *HÁJA.MÔNATH (Hay Month, July)
• Rhine Frankish: Hewimanoth
• Fryas HÁJA is reconstructed from Old Frisian hā/hē “hay.” Most Fryas verb infinitives end in -JA, e.g. MÁKJA (German machen).
• Meaning: Hay is cultivated to provide sustenance to farm animals during the winter months.
• German: Heuenmonat
8. ARNE.MÔNATH (Harvest Month, August)
• Fryas ARNE means harvest. Compare German Ernte.
• Meaning: Grains are harvested at this time of year.
• German: Erntemonat
9. *WOD.MÔNATH (Wood Month, September)
• Rhine Frankish: Witumanoth
• Fryas WOD means wood. Compare Old Saxon wido.
• Meaning: The practice of felling trees is undertaken to ensure a sufficient supply of firewood for the cold months. Furthermore, the onset of autumn is observed.
• German: Holzmonat
10. *WINTHÜMA.MÔNATH (Wineharvest/Grape Month, October)
• Rhine Frankish: Windumemanoth
• Fryas WINTHÜMA is reconstructed from WIN “wine” and Old Frisian thūma “thumb.” That said, Rhine Frankish dume may be related to Old High German drubo/druba “grape,” making it Grape Month.
• Meaning: The grapes are harvested to be used in the production of wine.
• German: Weinlese-/Weintraubenmonat
11. *HERFST.MÔNATH (Autumn/Harvest Month, November)
• Rhine Frankish: Herbistmanoth
• Fryas *HERFST is reconstructed from Old Frisian herfst “autumn/harvest.”
• Meaning: The month under consideration is characterized by the harvesting of specific fruits and vegetables, including, but not limited to, apples, potatoes, carrots, and cabbage. Furthermore, it corresponds to the final month of the autumnal season.
• German: Herbstmonat
12. WOLVA.MÔNATH (Wolf Month, December)
• Meaning: The appellation of the month presumably serves as a reminder to the populace to safeguard their livestock from the predation of wolves. Additionally, this month marks the onset of winter.
• German: Wölfemonat
In addition to the aforementioned considerations, the Germanic holidays were also taken into account, and those that were deemed most probable were reconstructed: the four annual astronomical events and the May Festival. It should be noted that the following assumptions are based on Gregorian dating; it is probable that the Julian (Jul = JOL = Wheel) calendar was derived from the Fryas and was not created by Julius Caesar, as is commonly believed. This is comparable to the Romans' inheritance of most of their letters from the Fryas.
In addition to the OLB, the two oldest sources of Germanic calendars are Bede's Reckoning of Time, written in 725 CE, and Einhard's Life of Charlemagne, written between 817-821 CE. In Reckoning of Time, Bede provides the following names in Latin and Old English:
In Reckoning of Time, Bede gives the following names in Latin and Old English, along with some commentary:
In his work Life of Charlemange, Einhard offers a list of names in both Latin and what he refers to as "King Karl's tongue," which was spoken by the ruler in question. According to R. E. Keller's seminal 1964 treatise, The Language of the Franks, Karl is believed to have spoken the Rhine Frankish dialect of Old High German, which corresponds to the area delineated in green on this map. The following are the respective month names:15. THE ENGLISH MONTHS
[...] The first month, which the Latins call January, is Giuli; February is called Solmonath; March Hrethmonath; April, Eosturmonath; May, Thrimilchi; June, Litha; July, also Litha; August, Weodmonath; September, Halegmonath; October, Winterfilleth; November, Blodmonath; December, Giuli, the same name by which January is called. They began the year on the 8th kalends of January [25 December], when we celebrate the birth of the Lord. That very night, which we hold so sacred, they used to call by the heathen word Modranecht, that is, “mother's night,” because (we suspect) of the ceremonies they enacted all that night.
Whenever it was a common year, they gave three lunar months to each season. When an embolismic year occurred (that is, one of 13 lunar months) they assigned the extra month to summer, so that three months together bore the name “Litha”; hence they called [the embolismic] year “Thrilithi.” It had four summer months, with the usual three for the other seasons. But originally, they divided the year as a whole into two seasons, summer and winter, [331] assigning the six months in which the days are longer than the nights to summer, and the other six to winter. Hence they called the month in which the winter season began “Winterfilleth,” a name made up from “winter” and “full Moon,” because winter began on the full Moon of that month.
[...] The months of Giuli derive their name from the day when the Sun turns back [and begins] to increase, because one of [these months] precedes [this day] and the other follows. Solmonath can be called “month of cakes,” which they offered to their gods in that month. Hrethmonath is named for their goddess Hretha, to whom they sacrificed at this time. Eosturmonath has a name which is now translated “Paschal month,” and which was once called after a goddess of theirs named Eostre, in whose honour feasts were celebrated in that month. Now they designate that Paschal season by her name, calling the joys of the new rite by the time-honoured name of the old observance. Thrimilchi was so called because in that month the cattle were milked three times a day; such, at one time, was the fertility of Britain or Germany, whence the English nation came to Britain. Litha means “gentle” or “navigable,” because in both these months the calm breezes are gentle, and they were wont to sail upon the smooth sea. Weodmonath means “month of tares,” [332] for they are very plentiful then. Halegmonath means “month of sacred rites.” Winterfilleth can be called by the invented composite name “winter-full.” Blodmonath is “month of immolations,” for then the cattle, which were to be slaughtered, were consecrated to their gods. Good Jesu, thanks be to thee, who hast turned us away from these vanities [...]
Source: Bede: The Reckoning of Time, translated, with introduction, notes and commentary by Faith Wallis (1999)
As demonstrated, multiple Germanic names are associated with each month, a significant portion of which were not documented in the OLB. For instance, "Wolf Month" is listed in the OLB as the name for December. Conversely, Einhard designates it as Heiligmanoth, "Holy Month," and Bede names it Giuli, presumably "Yule Month." The presence of wolves following the snow trails of their prey in the winter months, and the significance of December as the holy month for the celebration of the Yule feast, support the plausibility of these names.He gave the months names in his own tongue, for before his time they were called by the Franks partly by Latin and partly by barbarous names. [...] Of the months, he called:¹ January Winter-month, February [Bastard-month]², March Spring-month, April Easter-month, May Joy-month, June Plough-month, July Hay-month, August Harvest-month, September Wind-month, October Vintage-month, November Autumn-month, December Holy-month.
Source: Life of Charlemagne, edited by A. J. Grant
¹ In the original script: Wintarmanoth, Hornung, Lentzinmanoth, Ostarmanoth, Winnemanoth, Brachmanoth, Hewimanoth, Aranmanoth, Witumanoth, Windumemanoth, Herbistmanoth, Heiligmanoth.
² Grant's translation of the term was erroneous; he rendered it as "Mud-month," a term he borrowed from Bede. The Old High German term "hornung" signifies "bastard, illegitimate child," and is cognate with the Fryas term HORNING. The German word "Hornung" persists in being utilized as a poetic name for the month of February.
It is noteworthy that some of Bede's months appear to have been named after idols, such as Sol and Hretha, suggesting a connection to ritual sacrifice. For instance, the month of Blodmonath is associated with blood sacrifices. This practice may have been influenced by the rule of the Gola in Britain, or it may be a misunderstanding. For instance, the name "Sol" might refer to sol with a short o, suggesting soil or mud (as in Saxon "Söle" and Dutch "zol"). Similarly, "hreth" might be related to Old English "hrēþ" meaning "glory, triumph, honor," akin to Old Norse "hróðr" meaning "praise" and Scandinavian "rygte/rykte" meaning "rumour, reputation." The slaughtering of an animal during the Yulefeast might have been mistakenly interpreted as a ritual sacrifice. Further research is warranted in this area.
At this stage, a combination of the Oera Linda months and the Einhard months has been employed (denoted by a star). This reconstruction is regarded as a preliminary draft and is intended to serve as a foundation for further analysis and refinement.
1. HERDE.MÔNATH (Hard Month, January)
• Fryas HERDE means hard, fierce, forceful.
• Meaning: This month is characterized by the presence of frigid weather conditions and limited rations.
• German: Hartemonat
2. SELLA.MÔNATH (Buy Month, February)
• Fryas SELLA means buy, VRSELLA means sell, in the same way German kaufen means buy and verkaufen means sell. That said, there might have been an intentional double meaning in the name, making it Buy & Sell Month.
• Meaning: It is possible that the markets reopened in February.
• German: (Ver)kaufenmonat
3. *LENDSAN.MÔNATH (Long Month, March)
• Rhine Frankish: Lentzinmanoth
• Compare: Old Frisian lendza “prolong, long”; Old Saxon lentin; Old English lengten/lencten, lengtentīd/lenctentīd “spring, lit. prolonged time.”
• Meaning: The duration of daylight hours increases in March, marking the onset of spring.
• German: Lenzmonat
4. *ÁSTER.MÔNATH (Easter Month, April)
• Rhine Frankish: Ostarmanoth
• Compare: Old Frisian āster, āsteron, Old High German ōstara, ōstarūn, ōstarmānōd.
• Fryas ÁSTER- means easter-, e.g. ÁSTER.SÉ is lit. Easter Sea, in German Ostsee. It is assumed that Fryas follows the same pattern as German Ost/Ostern and English east/Easter.
• Meaning: Easter, signifying the onset of spring, is characterized by the rise of the sun and moon in the east. Richard Sermon's 2022 treatise, titled "Eostre and the Matronae Austriahenae," posits a correlation between the appellation "Easter" and the phenomenon of dawn. The vernal equinox occurs on March 21st, while the onset of a full moon is typically observed at the beginning of April. Consequently, the Easter month corresponds to the dawn of spring, and the dawn commences in the east.
• German: Ostermonat
5. WINNA/MINNA/FRJUNDSKIP.MÔNATH (Win/Love/Friendship Month, May)
• Fryas WINNA means to win, MINNA means love, FRJUNDSKIP means friendship.
• Meaning: During this month, individuals often experience the cultivation of romantic or friendly relationships. This phenomenon may be associated with the historically joyous May Day celebration. The term "MINNA" might be related to the month of May, thus leading to the metaphorical interpretation of the Maypole as a "love pole." While this may appear humorous, it is also a reflection of the cultural association between spring and fertility. Additionally, grains such as wheat, barley, oats, and rye are often sown during this period.
• German: (Ge)winnen-/Minne-/Freundschaftsmonat
6. *BRÀK.MÔNATH (Fallow Month, June)
• Rhine Frankish: Brachmanoth
• Fryas BRÀK means fallow. Compare German brach.
• Meaning: A portion of the fields are not cultivated, that is, they are not utilized for the growth of crops, as would be the case in the context of crop rotation, a practice of significant importance to the long-term health of the soil. Additionally, the onset of summer is observed.
• German: Brachmonat
7. *HÁJA.MÔNATH (Hay Month, July)
• Rhine Frankish: Hewimanoth
• Fryas HÁJA is reconstructed from Old Frisian hā/hē “hay.” Most Fryas verb infinitives end in -JA, e.g. MÁKJA (German machen).
• Meaning: Hay is cultivated to provide sustenance to farm animals during the winter months.
• German: Heuenmonat
8. ARNE.MÔNATH (Harvest Month, August)
• Fryas ARNE means harvest. Compare German Ernte.
• Meaning: Grains are harvested at this time of year.
• German: Erntemonat
9. *WOD.MÔNATH (Wood Month, September)
• Rhine Frankish: Witumanoth
• Fryas WOD means wood. Compare Old Saxon wido.
• Meaning: The practice of felling trees is undertaken to ensure a sufficient supply of firewood for the cold months. Furthermore, the onset of autumn is observed.
• German: Holzmonat
10. *WINTHÜMA.MÔNATH (Wineharvest/Grape Month, October)
• Rhine Frankish: Windumemanoth
• Fryas WINTHÜMA is reconstructed from WIN “wine” and Old Frisian thūma “thumb.” That said, Rhine Frankish dume may be related to Old High German drubo/druba “grape,” making it Grape Month.
• Meaning: The grapes are harvested to be used in the production of wine.
• German: Weinlese-/Weintraubenmonat
11. *HERFST.MÔNATH (Autumn/Harvest Month, November)
• Rhine Frankish: Herbistmanoth
• Fryas *HERFST is reconstructed from Old Frisian herfst “autumn/harvest.”
• Meaning: The month under consideration is characterized by the harvesting of specific fruits and vegetables, including, but not limited to, apples, potatoes, carrots, and cabbage. Furthermore, it corresponds to the final month of the autumnal season.
• German: Herbstmonat
12. WOLVA.MÔNATH (Wolf Month, December)
• Meaning: The appellation of the month presumably serves as a reminder to the populace to safeguard their livestock from the predation of wolves. Additionally, this month marks the onset of winter.
• German: Wölfemonat
In addition to the aforementioned considerations, the Germanic holidays were also taken into account, and those that were deemed most probable were reconstructed: the four annual astronomical events and the May Festival. It should be noted that the following assumptions are based on Gregorian dating; it is probable that the Julian (Jul = JOL = Wheel) calendar was derived from the Fryas and was not created by Julius Caesar, as is commonly believed. This is comparable to the Romans' inheritance of most of their letters from the Fryas.
- March 21st: Spring equinox. Easter celebration, perhaps including things like Easter eggs and Easter bread. Minerva's eggs may be related, making the Easter eggs symbols of Frya's counsel; or they were symbols of the eggs in women's wombs, since spring is a time of fertility. The goddess Ēostre is a later deification of these traditions. Modern Easter is a Christian replacement of the old tradition; modern Easter dates originate in Christianity and Passover, and in several cases the name Pascha replaced Aster/Oster, e.g. Old Frisian pascha, Dutch pasen, Scandinavian påske.
- May 1st: May Day. In Rhineland, a small decorated maypole is still delivered to the house of one's love interest on this day. Walpurgisnacht is a Christian replacement of the old tradition.
- June 21st: Summer solstice. Probably also Frya's Day, considering that: 1) the solstices were important to the Fryas, 2) winter solstice is already used for the Yulefeast, 3) later heathens celebrated their feast devoted to the goddess Freyja on summer solstice. "Midsummer" is a synonym that later replaced "Frya's Day," in the same way Midwinter is a synonym for Yuletide. Perhaps May Day and Frya's Day were identical and a duplication happened over time.
- September 21st: Autumnal equinox. Harvest festival in which one gives thanks (to Earth, to the farmers etc.) for the harvest. Pumpkins are a common symbol. German Erntedankfest and English Harvest Festival are continuations of this, albeit with a Christian twist. Halloween is a replacement of the old tradition.
- December 21st: Winter solstice. Concurrently, the Yule feast was celebrated, likely incorporating traditions such as Wralda's wheel, a Yule log, letters, and red mushrooms (known as Glückspilze in German). The Scandinavian practice of dancing in a ring around a tree may have been part of this celebration. This occasion was referred to as "Mother's Night" by Bede. The modern dating of these festivities to the 24th or 25th is influenced by Saturnalia, Sol, or Christianity.