Forum introduction by Nordic

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Forum introduction by Nordic

Post by Nordic »

Greetings everyone!

I'm a Nordic university student with serious focus on all things related to Northern European history and prehistory, ranging from obscure literary references to likes of sagas and oral traditions. Feel free to ask me anything about Nordic history and associated myths, sagas and traditions (Scandinavian, Lappish or Finnish).

I found Oera Linda book first time online in the early 2000s, but gave it a serious look from 2016 onwards. I have known it to be a genuine manuscrip since 2018 when it was found out that certain Oera Linda book chapters bear textual similarity to other old sources that were unfound still in the mid-1800s. Later findings 2018-2022 further entrenched that viewpoint as more such textual similarities were found (total 4 known to me by the end of year 2022).

Oera Linda studies is a team effort and over the years some of the good information has come from various sources. Let's see what year 2023 brings us!
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