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An outline of chronology in the OLB.

Posted: 05 Jan 2023, 14:25
by Helgiteut
This is what I have pieced together, as always feel free to correct any mistakes.
YAAS=Years After Aldland Sank.

0 YAAS Aldland sinks after heavy earthquaking, volcanic activity and axial tilting.
3 YAAS Period of chaos ends, Finda's folk begin to occupy empty lands.
49 YAAS Festa writes down Primal History.
101 YAAS Finns overrun East-Skeanland, and seek an alliance.
109 YAAS Finns invade and genocide as far as Godaburg.
116 YAAS Wodan vanishes.
193 YAAS Nef.Tunis founds Thírs'burg
563 YAAS Minerva and Kelta conflict, Kadir taken by Gools.
564 YAAS Brittania and Southern France overrun by Gools.
573 YAAS Ionians return to Flee Lake to recount the history of Jon and Minerva.
1005 YAAS Ulysus’ Quest for a Lamp is written in Fryasburg.
1224 YAAS Alexander comes to the Punjab
1502 YAAS Danes begin trading with Skeanlanders.
1600 YAAS Yessos born.
1602 YAAS The Denmarks are lost to Skeanlanders.
1604 YAAS Death of Frana.
1634 YAAS The lands beyond the Weser are lost.
1876 YAAS Frethorik begins his studies.
1884 YAAS Unrest in Luidgarda.
1886 YAAS Gosa elected.
1887 YAAS Second flood, after Magus takes over Luidgarda.
1888 YAAS Luidgarda restored. Friso and Wichhirte return.
1896 YAAS Deliberation on the blacks and their wives.
2998? Liko writes to his heirs.
YAAS 3000 Revolt of the bastard sons of priests and princes, foretold by Frana.
3449 YAAS Hidde writes to Okke.
YAAS 4000 Coalition of priests and princes against uprising foretold.
YAAS 5000 The end of theocracy and tyrrany is foretold by Dela to have occured by this year.
YAAS 5573 Findas folk being ripe for freedom, is foretold by Hellight to occur in this year.

Note: Corrected year 3 to mention "Finda's folk" instead of "Finns"

Re: An outline of chronology in the OLB.

Posted: 23 Feb 2024, 09:55
by teijahn
Helgiteut wrote: 05 Jan 2023, 14:25 This is what I have pieced together, as always feel free to correct any mistakes.
YAAS=Years After Aldland Sank.

This is useful, Thank You.

Do you (or anyone) know of the sequential dates of the actual contributions to the manuscript. Ive been on it but its proving quite a mission.

Re: An outline of chronology in the OLB.

Posted: 04 Mar 2024, 17:13
by Bjorn_Steinthorsson
As I was looking into the dates I noticed a little mistake:

1224 YAAS Alexander comes to the Punjab.

The text says 1224 years after they settle in the Punjab.

Re: An outline of chronology in the OLB.

Posted: 05 Mar 2024, 01:22
by Nordic
Helgiteut wrote: 05 Jan 2023, 14:25 3 YAAS Period of chaos ends, Finns begin to occupy empty lands.
101 YAAS Finns overrun East-Skeanland, and seek an alliance.
The first instance ought to read "Finda's folk" (FINDA.S FOLK) instead of "Finns", as the context is more generic geography wise and not directly linked to the Scandinavia/Skeanland episode where Finns are indeed showcased.

Re: An outline of chronology in the OLB.

Posted: 06 Mar 2024, 01:48
by Helgiteut
Nordic wrote: 05 Mar 2024, 01:22 The first instance ought to read "Finda's folk" (FINDA.S FOLK) instead of "Finns", as the context is more generic geography wise and not directly linked to the Scandinavia/Skeanland episode where Finns are indeed showcased.
Thanks Nordic. I have now corrected it.