Logha mystery and creation

both within OL texts as in relation to other traditions
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Logha mystery and creation

Post by Magny »

This interesting word logha meaning flame in the OL is actually key to understanding the coded message of the creation account from the Bible. This might seem like a lengthy roundabout explanation but well worth the time for the curious seeker.
I came over this guy Leo Tavares, https://sites.google.com/site/mathemati ... it10pddo20 while I was searching for validation for my inkling that the word logos in the original new testament comes from this word logha. These codes are indeed very sofisticated. In both old hebrew and old greek every letter also has a numeric value and this is used in the mystery.

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”
913 203 86 401 395 407 296

That is 7 words in the hebrew and since they read from right to left the numbers are in opposite order to align with the english words.

If you ad the numbers you'll get 2701. The only way to express 2701 as faktors of primes is like this 37X73=2701.
2701 backwards or mirrored is 1072 and 2701+1072=3773. To further cement the importens of mirroring we also have
37 as the 12th prime number and 73 the 21st.¨
12X12=144 441=21X21
If you look into Leo Tavares work you may find more proof of the importens of prime numbers in these codes. However from the sum of the original 7 words of genesis 1:1 only the middle 401 is actually a prime number. That word remains untranslated and mysterious in most translations. It is made of the letter Aleph and Tav, the first and the last letter in the hebrew alphabet, like alpha and omeaga in greek. So the 401 thus correlates with the symbol of the Ouroboros. The serpent eating its tail. Also the form of a circle, the beginning and the end fused into one. That the Aleph Tav is in the middle of the sentence and not one in the beggining and the other at the end is also notworthy.
However just looking at the 401 the numbers gives further clues. 4 and nothing and 1. Geometrically 4 would be represented by a squere and 1 by a point. Those two leads me to think of a pyramid as seen from above. 4 base corners united at one central point. Also the word four and the word pyramid is simularly sounding in many languages and probably comes from a common root. Like in swedish 4 is called fyra and sounds quite alike english fire. Also in swedish in the old days when they where to shoot at the same time the commander would say "ge fyr" meaning give fire, not 4. So the pyr of a the word pyramid has a connection with fire and mid to the middle. So saying central fire insted of pyramid is not far fetched in my view.

However another way of mirroring would be to look for another similar verse as genesis 1:1. According to L. Tavares the only other verse in the entire bible that starts with the phrase "in the beginning " is John 1:1 which goes:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

In the original greek the word translated to "word" is logos. The whole John 1:1 verse reads a bit like a play on words. Pointing the reader towards the begining/etymology of the word logos. Also the numerical sum of the word logos is 373, Which is a prime number, the 74th. The word for god, ΘΕΟΝ, is not a prime (134) rather it is 2X67 which is the 19th prime.
John 1:1; the sentence is divided into 3 distinct groups. Each one containing one logos or flame. Hence you could enterpret it like meaning that there where 3 flames in the beginning. Which does start to sound alot like the Oera linda with Freya, Leyda and Finda.
I know all these numbers might make your mind dissy but before i get into drawing conclusions or sharing what I think about this let me show you how incredibly conplex these schemes can get. The following is from Leo tavares. https://sites.google.com/site/mathemati ... logos-code

37X3=111 which is kinda what we started with genesis 1:1
37X6=222 and so on up to 999=37X27
Also 37x30=1110 and 373 (the 3 flames) times 3 is 1119.
And for the really baffeling stuff if we use these numbers to hint towards a prime number.
111th Prime = 607
222nd Prime = 1399
333rd Prime = 2239
444th Prime = 3119
555th Prime = 4019
666th Prime = 4973
777th Prime = 5903
888th Prime = 6907
999th Prime = 7907

TOTAL SUM = 37073

To knit this toghter with the first important prime number: "Unbelievably, the sum of the "Pi Positions" of the Triple Repdigits (the first time each of them appear in the decimal expansion of Pi, after the decimal point) points to the exact same value we just saw (37073). I (tavares) call this "The Pi Code Of 37073". Pi = The ratio between the circumference/diameter of a circle and yields an infinite sequence of non-cyclic digits. The "Pi Positions" of each of the Triple Repdigits can be verified here: Pi Position Calculator" (From Tavares site)

THE Pi CODE OF 37073

111 = 153
222 = 1735
333 = 1698
444 = 2707
555 = 177
666 = 2440
777 = 1589
888 = 4751
999 = 762

TOTAL Pi SUM= 16012

16012 + 21061 = 37073.

The great pyramid at giza is a great lot of things but simply speaking it is symolising the squering of a circle, or rather the circeling of a squere. Meassured in royal cubits it's hight is 7X40 and its perimiter is 44X40 cubits. If we take that 44 squere shape and reshape it to the circumferens of a circle then that 7 in hight would be almost precicly the radius of circled squere. In ancient days 22/7 was the fraction used for phi. 22/7 is 3.142857. Quite close. But as you can see above it is quite clear that the ancients could approximate it better then that...

In conclusion, I hope you can forgive my bad spelling. I have gotten quite used to autocorrect when writing in english and it would be quite timeconsuming to be meticulous in correcting.
If you ask me I am quite sure that the reason pyramids all over the planet have no top cornerstone is because on the top there where a lamp with a flame. Or even a crystal with a burning flame inside. The number 40 in these codes is supposed to symbolise completeness. 401 then is perhaps fullfilling the one Absolute. Also if we look at the 4 elements of earth, water, air and fire we have polaritys of something vs nothing. The 0 in 401 is the central most important number. Ceration out of nothing. The 4 elements combining to make the manifested world. Also a flame what is it? I would say it is the energy of the universe focused in a point to to make a form of itself. Or perhaps a mirror, opposite. I think also the word for good and god in the orea linda is a great example of this old way of centrelizing the good. The g is the mirror of the D and the O is the whole circle without its division. Which is both 3 out of one and could be combined in different ways to make 7 out of 3.

Let us speculate further in the comments and I am glad for your attention=)
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Re: Logha mystery and creation

Post by Magny »

May I ad that this topic just so happened to be the 37th under the religion/philosophy heading.
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Re: Logha mystery and creation

Post by Nordic »

There's a view that numerical codes were used by ancient Jewish authors as way of numerical checks, allowing for easy verifying of the scribal works and similar to modern-day checksums used in IT software field. When in later times the Norse saga kings became daemon kings in occult lists, a somewhat similar numerical practise took place with the visual magic marks.

Sometimes such codes are lost when doing scribal copies. Oera Linda alphabet, for example, is listed in the manuscript as the layman ABCDEF... style of listing, losing the original meaning behind the order of letters (seen here).

Ott has researched earlier on the fire-four association, including in context of ancient tribal names of southern Sweden. The ancient North Europeans knew well numerical mysteries, such as the doors and warriors of Valhalla (540*800 = 432,000), rivers of Valhalla (52 weeks in year) and SKVR poetry giving out 18.6 and 216 lunar-solar cycles accurate to day. These seem mostly astronomical in theme, of a celestial cult nature.

The Biblical angel-with-fiery-sword-in-heavens motif is taken from older Sumerian Asarluhi ('Asar-Logi'), in turn perhaps based on story of Logi/Liekkiö dwelling in 'high' Halogaland. This family line appears in both Sumerian King List and later Bible genealogies. More about that here.

Old Testament beginning is heavily downstream of Sumerian (Sumerian King List), Assyrian (e.g. Tudiya, Adamu -> God dios, Adam), Buddhist (four rivers) and especifically Greek texts (Plato, Laws, 3rd book). This does not outrule that some ancient scribal council decided to re-wrote one textual version to purposefully encode some error verifying checksum method. As ancients obsessed with numbers and systemology, they could have purposefully researched and then applied a system that would give near-consistent results.

The number 401, if understood in Frisian-Arabic-Hindu numeral visual sense, bears some resemblance to the GOD word (that has perfect symmetry in Oera Linda script).
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Re: Logha mystery and creation

Post by Kraftr »

I agree with Coco.
The roots for 'log' as root for 'word' or 'law' are not evidently the same as 'lugh' as root for 'light'.
Math is only a property of something that escapes math. Squaring a circle(having perfect measurements) can also be done without calculus, just geometry. It is more interesting to learn that ancient measurement standards are not far from or easily relate to 'modern' ones.
Interesting though how37/73 relates to primes, but also to the optimal, stable harmony of 3rds(hexagons). So something that would relate to the Yul.
No whole number escapes patterns, but studying it can lead to a flawed determinist worldview, even if it has this magical 'proof' of a shadowy harmony, it is not spirit. Words are a kind of magic too. But using them to mystify truth is the start of manipulation. This 'stunning coincidence' hides what is missing and goes hand in hand with dogma. Because the mental proces desired from believers is that this man made magic 'proves' hebrew and the Torah text to be devine.
Unfortunately, rebelling against the Elohim(daemons of all other people) the Hebrews conflated their peoples Daemon(that every people have) with God( Papal translator explains here) , which is always implied to be the only to worship, whenever people are quoting the Bible pointing at these intricate things woven in. Putting out the spell that we have no (right to) tribal interests for instance (but do have obligation to the people of Yahweh or it's Abrahamic priests).
We are not just workers/consumers or voters/taxpayers. Frya or Yaweh are not Wralda. Justice, love, peace, wisdom etc. are not expressed in numbers.
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Re: Logha mystery and creation

Post by Kraftr »

Well I'm not completely sure either way. One can speculate. I have seen to lay down, layer, law, low, gathering, firewood all explained to be connected to the same root. Log and lugh are pretty close sounding, It's just in modern(PIE/germanic) linguistics not affirmed, at least where I looked. A torch may have inspired it, or the lightest layer generally being on or rising to the top, and the sky is highest.
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Re: Logha mystery and creation

Post by Magny »

Nordic I feel you have some knowledge I would like you to explain further so I begin with a few questions:
1 These moon vs sun cycles 18,6 times 216? It rings a bell in my memory but I dont really get it right now.
2 Your last lines about GOD of orea linda vs 401? Would you unfold your thoughts about that?
3 I dident know that the summerian king list has correlations with genesis. In my suspected ignorance I think it is but a list of kings and cycles of regin...you think it is a worhwile study for decoding this?

The 432000 of Valhalla is also 144 000 times 3 and 144 000 is mentioned in revelations as well as the supposed number of casing-blocks of the great pyramid. (among other things, musical harmony and the golden ratio beeing two)

To Coco I would like to say a few things. Firstly the linguistic argument I found to obvious to spend much time on in my original post. Perhaps because I am swedish and our modern word for flame is Låga. Prounoncd very similary I expect from Logha of OL. I bet several of our sybling language groups have similar words and prounanciations.

About this attention wasting and conformation bias I would firstly agree that it might be a trap. The absurd complexity and marvel of the thing. Having there pi number positions for example is mind boggeling to explain rationally and I could se myself or someone like me spending a lifetime trying to make sense of it without any other benefit than room and shelter at the local psych ward.
However we dident get that kind of knowledge about pi until after computers where able to calculate without pupose less than a hundred years ago.
I think you should look into the whole thing and allow you mind to try and dissolve the contradictions a bit more thouroly before, insted of defending your concrete and rational worldview like you depended on it=) These codes only uses the first 7 words and their quite immidiate pointers so not a great many numbers to pick and choose from.

I'll philosophise generally to all of you readers and perhaps somewhat aroud Kraftr's respons which i appreciated greatly.

One of the foremost points or red lines flowing through the OL is that these priest and false princes seek to distort and obscure the truth of the greatness of the forefathers of Frejas folk. We all know these kind of crooked people how they backstab and allways try to evade an actual fight. And how do they do this? Mostly by sophistry, making the lesser argument seem better. A kind of trickery. Persuadeing people to their side. And for the last millenia or so softening us to scare away from the fight...
I really don't think theese codes are of the true source directly neighter am I faning the flame of the judeo/cristinans. The first of those mentioned are tricksters and the others fools in my view. Even in that sentence don't I put a light on their contradictions? In sweden "Fan" is a commonly used curseword. But is it not indeed derived from Phanes the greek creator god? The lightbringer would be cognate, Lucifer or Prometheus might be refering to the same force or beeing. And their very same tex,t encoded, points to the flame beeing the reel creator or begining. What is then the principal similarities or diferencies between a word and a flame?

The furthest back I know of the use of the word "Logos" is from Heraklitos and dident he define it as an ever living flame?
He also mirrored the oldest doctrine (formlere) of OL by saying that everything changes. He and OL agrees that you or the world could never say I am but rather I was. Because even before you have time to say that you are you have already changed from what you were. He thought this logos was the underlaying principal that connected all the differiented beeings and forms of our manifested world.

Indeed this creation may have been the begining of time and light and meassure. But this was not the first but rather the 3rd step in the great Mystery. The Jews call their absolute Ain Sof I think. And this infinite makes an oposite. A reciver beeing (step 2) which he acording to the Rabbis Ain likes to bestow with absolute delight or pleasure. So there are 2 importent "steps" which they had the thoughfullness to hide from plain view...

I'd rather go to the Stanzas of Dzyan, made know in modern times by H.P Blavatsky and an important part of her teachings. Supposedly very ancient and she got it from the Tibetans.

There are 7 stansas on cosmogenesis and several verses in each. I think the third stansa is the one how corresponds to our Logha and creation. https://www.theosociety.org/pasadena/sd/sd1-1-01.htm (A link to the fist seven stansas.)
I'll quote somewhat chaoticly from the 3rd stansa that is made up of 12 verses.

3rd verse: Darkness radiates light, and light drops one solitary ray into the mother-deep. The ray shoots through the virgin egg, the ray causes the eternal egg to thrill, and drop the non-eternal germ, which condenses into the world-egg

7. Behold, oh Lanoo! The radiant child of the two, the unparalleled refulgent glory: Bright Space Son of Dark Space, which emerges from the depths of the great dark waters. It is Oeaohoo the younger, the * * * He shines forth as the son; he is the blazing Divine Dragon of Wisdom; the One is Four, and Four takes to itself Three,* and the Union produces the Sapta, in whom are the seven which become the Tridasa (or the hosts and the multitudes). Behold him lifting the veil and unfurling it from east to west. He shuts out the above, and leaves the below to be seen as the great illusion. He marks the places for the shining ones, and turns the upper into a shoreless sea of fire, and the one manifested into the great waters.

8. Where was the germ and where was now darkness? Where is the spirit of the flame that burns in thy lamp, oh Lanoo? The germ is that, and that is light, the white brilliant son of the dark hidden father.

4. Then the three fall into the four. The radiant essence becomes seven inside, seven outside. The luminous egg, which in itself is three, curdles and spreads in milk-white curds throughout the depths of mother, the root that grows in the depths of the ocean of life.

Indeed these are very mysterious writings and hard to understand. I understand a little and will comment somewhat.
Firstly though the one becoming creation and light and the idé of 3 and 7 is alluded to above. Also the idé of mirroring is mentioned in the final 12th verse of the 3rd stansa "Then Svabhavat sends Fohat to harden the atoms. Each is a part of the web. Reflecting the “Self-Existent Lord” like a MIRROR, each becomes in turn a world."

My comment on verse 3: The darkness is empty space or ether. The firstborn or mother. The egg has an in and outside which is the first time in these steps that that is possible. Also Phanes in greek mytology is born out of the the cosmic egg. Lucifer, the lightbringer is really dark. The black sun is a corrolation and the sun is really black if you care to look long enough. And also worth mentioning is that the sepent wrapes around the egg and crushes it, causing Phanes (the ray of light) to be born.

Comment to V 4: Here I can only say with confidence that the 3 7 and mirroring pointed to.

V 7: I notice that earlier in the stansas they talk about the waters of life and here they talk about the "great dark waters".
Also this Oeaohoo (which is also mentioned in V5 but there he is one and here he is the younger, like he has been split) Oeaohoo the younger both sounds alot in pronunciation like Yahoo (Yahve)and also seem to be the misled demiurge of the gnostics. Tricking the fallen one and thusly makes seemingly disconnect from the sea of fire/life.

V 8: Here the reader is enticed to search, what is this trick that has been played? May I say that this germ is the sperm ejaculated from the One?

Ending this post I tell you about the relation between the flame and the word. Both are ting in the OL meaning. Gatherings of some into form. A flame is bestowing light for the I to see. The word is not nessesary without duality but mediates meaning between beeings. Duality is not esse hence word is the lesser. However both can both trick and unveil.
Flame is the source of light. The force that makes you strong and alive, but the word is more easily the trick that lets you escape the fight. Both are only usefull by the mind, the mirror. The One reflected by the eye.
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Re: Logha mystery and creation

Post by ott »

Thank you for taking the effort to explain this to us.
Magny wrote: 05 Dec 2024, 23:40The absurd complexity and marvel of the thing.
Well said.
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