Rest of that narrative is attested from Finnish, Anglo-Saxon and Egyptian narrative echoes in a way that exludes the possibility of a mid-1800s Dutch forgery (as detailed here). What happened in about AD 1806? In 1807, the next year, both UK and US, two major nations of their day, passed laws forbidding the slave trade. In OL narrative master-slave relationships is a big theme, and any law change to outlaw slavery would have been hailed by OL Frisians. From remote viewing or prophecy giving viewpoint, an error of mere year is nothing as an error margin when the overall scale is about 2000+ years (this also suggests the 2194 BC date is actually just that: reference to 4.2 kiloyear event).When Aldland drowned, the first spoke of the Yule wheel stood at the top [2194 BC]. Thereafter, it went down [1194 BC] — and our freedom went with it. When two more spokes, or two thousand years, have passed [AD 806], the sons shall stand up who are born out of fornication by princes and priests, and they will denounce their fathers. [...] Yet another thousand years the spoke shall descend [AD 1806], and sink ever deeper into darkness and blood — shed over you through the deceptions of princes and priests. [...] All of the vile histories made up to bolster the position of the princes and priests will be offered to the flames. Then, all your children shall live in peace.” (OLB 083, 084)
The Minerva Nyhellenia doctrine is:
The note on equality is given also Dela Hellenia story, on Buddha (Siddharta Gautama) and his anonymous Frisian mentor:“If the far Greeklands belong to Frya’s heritage, they will flourish there; but if they do not, there will have to be fights over them for a long time, because the Carrier shall have to go around with the Yule for five thousand years [AD 2806] before Finda’s folk are ripe for freedom.” (OLB 071)
By comparison, Finland's most noteworthy seer Aino Kassinen (photo) predicted (Aino Kassinen kertoo, 6th August 1971 prophecy, p. 144) that when the light arrives from northern Europe to rest of the planet, the initial process will begin from Finland, spread to other Nordic countries and then further abroad. The beginning process of that is said to have been in motion already at the time of the prophecy (end of 20th century), but to become fully effective later about AD 2300 or so. The belief into an arriving northern light is due to Old Testament Job 37, which was loaned almost as it is from older Buddhist Mahāgovindasutta, in turn based on Finnish and Russian Finnic beliefs, locale names and theonyms e.g.:On his travels, he [Buddha] met a Frya steersman who had been enslaved; from him he learned about our morals and traditions. He bought his freedom and they remained friends till death. [...] “No one”, he said, “is able to give everyone equal wealth and happiness. But it is everyone’s duty to make the people as equally wealthy and to give them as much contentment as possible. [...] “No wisdom”, he said, “should be undervalued. But equal sharing is the greatest wisdom that time can teach us, because it wards off disturbances from Earth, and it feeds love.” (OLB 137, 138)
wind ← Sakka/Sakra/Indra of Tāvatiṃsa ← Inmar/king Ilmarinen of Häme or Tavastia (ilma 'air', taivas 'sky/heaven');
shining God of north ← shining Brahma of north ← bra man saying on first man Frei of north pole and of various Aser (Æsir) "Buddha" messengers to Asia (Bock saga).
An another Finnish prophecy is given in the Bock saga (the saga dates to by minimum c. 500-400 BC). Seen here, it tells the story of 8016 BC Kristina prophecy - in the saga name Krist (Krishna, Christ etc) is explained as 'crystal' and the female astrologists therein use crystal balls - is that in 10,000 years the jarl-karl-träl system would be no longer needed, and the global laymen would be at same level as the Aser (Æsir) human 'gods' and 'goddesses', meaning a new era of equality with no masters nor thralls.
The Viking and Anglo-Saxon nations claimed heritage from Finns (Frá Fornjóti, inc. Búri the first Æsir man to come out of ice as one 'Finn'), had a jarl-karl-träl social rank system (Rígsþula) and we know the story of Finnish-related earls (jarl) in Scandinavia must have existed already in 1800 BC when it was copied as "yarla" episode into the Sumerian chronicles (Sumerian King List). Both Bock saga and multiple Icelandic sagas make the case of Finns having a direct contact to India. This includes the story of Nordic Krishna as one Kol (Kol ← SKVR hero title: kaleva(npoika) 'son of Kaleva' ← SKVR founder name: Kaleva, aka Kave Ukko or Fornjót/Guðmundr) and his lineage in southern Finland Uusimaa coastline (Þorsteins saga Víkingssonar ch. 3, 6; more or less the same Nordic-but-negative viewpoint as in Bock saga) and the story of Nordic Jesus seeking holy vision in India (Eireks saga víðförla, based on Bock saga Jesus' travels; holy Nordic land Ódáinsakr ↔ Odenmaa). Likewise, from Oera Linda book we can read of Frisian episodes in India.
From India we have the 10,000 year old Ratnagiri (8000 BC or older) pictograms, and curiously, among the master of animal motifs, we see also the astrological Pisces symbol (bottom left). When were the ages of Pisces? Age of Pisces was in c. 19350-17250 BC and is currently in AD 1-2150, our current age (more). We have no way of knowing which of these was meant by the Indian petroglyph (or is it even older?), yet one can't happen but to wonder if the above Kristina prophecy, said to be from same c. 8000 BC era as the Indian petroglyph, somehow ties to this theme?
According to Bock saga, the early stone age Aser (Æsir) men titled Han Udens Man or Hanuman 'He-Sun's-Man' (i.e. Sun-men) spread out at the end of the last ice age all over the planet, spreading knowledge and sciences, before returning back to north. The title is attested from the medieval Mongol war chronicles on their wars on Russian-Finnish nations (that include also Parossits, or Bjarmians of Arctic Kola Peninsula region). In Hindu mythology the Hanuman is son of Vayu aka Pavana, whereas the Nordic Hanuman were the sons of Ukko, also called Pavannainen.
Thus, we are to ask: are all of these stories and legends connected to each other? Do they have a basis in actual archaic stone age beliefs? Is the oldest attestable form of the later Frisian Frana and Minerva Nyhellenia prophecies seen in the Kristina story and the Pisces symbols of the Indian Ratnagiri stones?