Jesus the Nazarene, and Yesus of Kasimir.

both within OL texts as in relation to other traditions
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Jesus the Nazarene, and Yesus of Kasimir.

Post by Helgiteut »

I'll keep this short for now, though I do wish to share something which some already know. Namely, that Jesus is said to be buried in Kasmir by a group of "Islamic heretics". I can only give the Wiki link for now, I hope that will do as far as sources go.

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Below is a link to a docu in the mould of Zeitgeist, which also says that Jesus was the son of Cleopatra and Julius Ceaser. That within itself a whole other thing, but aside from that, the info ties into what you read in the first link.

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So, Jesus could have been born in Egypt or Israel, before living his life in Kashmir where he meets a Fryas steersman. The OLB would have no grounds on which to say that he was born outside of India, as that may not have been known by the Fryas in Fryasland.

Or rather, the tales of Jesus where all in India, before becoming localised in Palestine. I welcome any insight that others gain from this.
Brea, bûter en griene tsiis is goed Ingelsk en goed Frysk
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Re: Jesus the Nazarene, and Yesus of Kasimir.

Post by Nordic »

Awesome video link, thank you!

According to medieval royal Anglo-Saxon genealogies, the Caesars were sons of Odin (link).

According to Finland-Swedish Bock family saga, the Aser 'god' and Asynjor 'goddess' parents of Jesus were cast out of Odenma ('Odin's land'/'Sun's land', nowadays Uusimaa region of Finland) by the leading Aser for crime of making a child outside the strict Aser paradise system breeding program. Jesus' parents head to Egypt and Constantinople area (possibly called Byzantium back then) and became involved there with royals and commercial trade with India. There young Jesus hears from his parents that his distant ancient relatives Krishna and Buddha, also of Nordic Odenma background, had in their own times operated in the Indian lands. Jesus heads into India, studies Hinduism and Buddhism and returns to Middle East by heading to Palestine region (not his own homeland!). He gets into local trouble there, survives the crucifixion and finally heads back into India where he dies in old age peacefully as respected Hindu sage. When he dies, his body is burned as is the Nordic-Hindu custom (book source, video source).

That specific Jesus story survived outside of Finland in Iceland where the Bock saga Jesus is the role model for Eireks saga víðförla that is a Christian conversion saga where the Christian paradise garden of Eden is said to be same as Ódáinsakr of Fennoscandia, but searched by the main hero from India as told so by the Constantinople's Christian ruler (link). The Egyptian and Indian associations to Finnic Ódainsákr are made in Norse saga literature under the references to Alexandria e.g. p. 42-44 here. The Krishna story too survived in Icelandic Þorsteins saga Víkingssonar ch. 3, 6 (link, ch. 6 Bálagarðssíðu = Uusimaa region i.e. Odenma), thus it can be assumed the old Norse peoples knew major core portions of the Bock family saga Krishna-Buddha-Jesus stories.

In this heathen viewpoint, Jesus Christ was not mere carpenter's son, but a supremely educated person who surely must have known among other things the doctrine of an Ariyan superman (link, link). He may have even been the best educated person living at that time on the planet when it comes to knowing from insider perspective multiple elite traditions (Aser court, Constantinople court, Hinduism, Buddhism). This explains why his own sexual doctrine was the same as the Aser doctrine (link), a health practise system know also to old Chinese elite and others. If we synchronise this account with OL, he may have even been a distant descendant of Wodin via Wodin's half-Finnish child.

Note that in both in the linked video theory and above saga account the young Jesus siblings grow up in a Greco-Roman court and have a personal connection to Egyptian pharaoh court. 1st century philosopher Scythianus may connect to this character via the attribute match (link) and there too we find a 'Buddha' connection.

Whether the above saga Buddha is the main Buddha Siddharta Gautama is an open question as Bud means simply 'messenger' and those are counted in endless numbers in Bock family saga Aser system that has all those 'Tors', 'Toras', 'Tyrs', 'Tyras', 'giants' and 'giantesses' heading out and coming in (called by title 'Grímr' of Ódáinsakr or Glæsisvellir in Norse saga literature, please see also here). That being said, the old time Buddhists did claim for Buddha and his mother to have visited Finland as is evident from Pali Canon where we can read from their travels to Ódáinsakr or Odenma and the Tavastia nearby (Uusimaa and Häme regions) under the names Uttarakuru and Tavatimsa (link, link). The oldest known Uttarakuru description is directly downstream of Bock family saga Odenma via its Sanskrit language city names (the saga verbal descriptions coded into city names in the Buddhist account, link). Knowledge of Norse Ódáinsakr, Greek Hyperborea or OL descriptions would not have sufficed, so we can be quite certain here that the Buddhist Siddharta Gautama link is thematically to the Odenma story as detailed in the Bock family saga. As you may remember from OL pages, the Yesus of Kasimir has a Frisian connection, but no link to Finns in that version. The previously described connections suggest there was some sort of latter connection and the ancient Finns did not solely "own" Buddha by taking the Siddharta Gautama as Yuzasaf > Yuz Asaf > 'Yuz of the Aser' (singular áss, ǫ́ss).
Last edited by Nordic on 18 May 2023, 01:02, edited 2 times in total.
Er Aldaric
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Re: Jesus the Nazarene, and Yesus of Kasimir.

Post by Er Aldaric »

It's stated Yesus was born in Kashmir specifically, not that he just resided there.
In the heart of Findasland, in the mountains, lies a plain called Kashmir, which means ‘rare’.

A child was born there; his mother was the daughter of a king, and his father was a high priest.
We know he travelled for 12 years, however there doesn't seem to be any explicit reference to Palestine. It's likely his life story was localized in Palestine and it became an incorporated into ancient Jewish ethno-nationalism. We see the same phenomena today, with people claiming Jesus was Black or White.
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Re: Jesus the Nazarene, and Yesus of Kasimir.

Post by Nordic »

That specific sentence construction is similar to the Pliny's account of Kashmir:
[...] the nation of the Attacori ['Uttarakuru' i.e. the southern Indian Kurus, not the Arctic Uttarakuru] on the gulf of that name, a people protected by their sunny hills from all noxious blasts, and living in a climate of the same temperature as that of the Hyperborei. Amometus has written a work entirely devoted to the history of these people, just as Hecatæus has done in his treatise on the Hyperborei. After the Attacori, we find the nations of the Phruri and the Tochari, and, in the interior, the Casiri, a people of India, who look toward the Scythians, and feed on human flesh. (Source: Pliny the Elder, Natural History, bk. 6 ch 20, link)
In the heart of Findas land - in the interior
lies a plain called Kashmir - the Casiri, people of India
which means 'rare' - and feed on human flesh (a rare oddity).
Last edited by Nordic on 24 May 2023, 23:46, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Jesus the Nazarene, and Yesus of Kasimir.

Post by half life over »

Here is another connection.

In 1980, a significant discovery was made in Israel: the family tomb of Jesus Christ. Among the intriguing findings were ten ossuaries, which had six spoke wheels (Yule) on them. This discovery has sparked discussions regarding Jesus' journey to Jerusalem, as some Gnostics believe that he did not go there but instead passed the torch to a descendant who was subsequently crucified. The Bible mentions Simon of Cyrene as an individual who aided Jesus, but according to the Gnostics, it was Simon who was crucified. Additionally, we have information about Jon, a Fryan who was freed by Jesus and taught him the Fryan ways. This would mean Jesus adopted the six spoke wheel or Yule. This raises the question of which account holds the most probable truth: the standalone Bible or the various sources and artifacts that support the account found in the Oera Linda Book.

here is a picture of one of the Ossuaries ... 180849.JPG ... e-history/
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Re: Jesus the Nazarene, and Yesus of Kasimir.

Post by Helgiteut »

half life over wrote: 22 May 2023, 21:16 This would mean Jesus adopted the six spoke wheel or Yule. This raises the question of which account holds the most probable truth: the standalone Bible or the various sources and artifacts that support the account found in the Oera Linda Book.
That's quite interesting.
Brea, bûter en griene tsiis is goed Ingelsk en goed Frysk
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Re: Jesus the Nazarene, and Yesus of Kasimir.

Post by half life over »

I have been presented with additional evidence that I would like to share. It has come to my attention that the Ichthys Symbol, represented by an 8-spoke wheel, holds significance in this discussion. It has been claimed that the 8-spoke wheel was formed by combining all 5 letters. However, when considering the broader context, it appears more plausible that the letters were actually derived from the 8-spoke wheel. This collection of artifacts provides support for the accuracy of Jesus as portrayed in the Oera Linda book, while suggesting that the depiction of Jesus in the Bible may not align with historical accuracy.

"While the doctrine of Jessos was thus spreading over the earth, the false priests went to the land of his birth to make his death known. They said they were his friends, and they pretended to show great sorrow by tearing their clothes and shaving their heads. They went to live in caves in the mountains, but in them they had hid all their treasures, and they made in them images of Jessos. They gave these statues to simple people, and at last they said that Jessos was a god, that he had declared this himself to them, and that all those who followed his doctrine should enter his kingdom hereafter, where all was joy and happiness."
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Re: Jesus the Nazarene, and Yesus of Kasimir.

Post by Helgiteut »

half life over wrote: 23 May 2023, 15:33 I have been presented with additional evidence that I would like to share. It has come to my attention that the Ichthys Symbol, represented by an 8-spoke wheel, holds significance in this discussion. It has been claimed that the 8-spoke wheel was formed by combining all 5 letters. However, when considering the broader context, it appears more plausible that the letters were actually derived from the 8-spoke wheel.
There are also six-spoke ICHTHYS wheels as well.
Brea, bûter en griene tsiis is goed Ingelsk en goed Frysk
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Re: Jesus the Nazarene, and Yesus of Kasimir.

Post by half life over »

Helgiteut wrote: 24 May 2023, 07:18
half life over wrote: 23 May 2023, 15:33 I have been presented with additional evidence that I would like to share. It has come to my attention that the Ichthys Symbol, represented by an 8-spoke wheel, holds significance in this discussion. It has been claimed that the 8-spoke wheel was formed by combining all 5 letters. However, when considering the broader context, it appears more plausible that the letters were actually derived from the 8-spoke wheel.
There are also six-spoke ICHTHYS wheels as well.
This is just more evidence that the Oera linda Book is Authentic and the bible is just a work deception. Here is more evidence that linking everything together. Here are quotes from ancient greek historians and philosophers that shows abrahamism is from the magi of India. “”In his History of the Jews, the Jewish scholar and theologian Flavius Josephus (37 – 100 A.D.), wrote that the Greek philosopher Aristotle had said: “…These Jews are derived from the Indian philosophers; they are named by the Indians Calani.” (Book I:22.)

Clearchus of Soli wrote, “The Jews descend from the philosophers of India. The philosophers are called in India Calanians and in Syria Jews. The name of their capital is very difficult to pronounce. It is called ‘Jerusalem.'”

“Megasthenes, who was sent to India by Seleucus Nicator, about three hundred years before Christ, and whose accounts from new inquiries are every day acquiring additional credit, says that the Jews ‘were an Indian tribe or sect called Kalani…'” (Anacalypsis, by Godfrey Higgins, Vol. I; p. 400.)

Martin Haug, Ph.D., wrote in The Sacred Language, Writings, and Religions of the Parsis, “The Magi are said to have called their religion Kesh-î-Ibrahim.They traced their religious books to Abraham, who was believed to have brought them from heaven.” (p. 16.)”

If this is true then you would see uncanny similarities in hinduism and abrahamism. Well here is more evidence. This Website provides quotes that link brahma with abraham. example Abraham married his sister sarah. Brahma married his sister Sarasvati. There is a ton more. ... braham.htm

Also, the Rigveda mentions Yahweh as a deity associated with sacrifice. Considered the oldest reference to Yahweh, the Rigveda depicts him as a minor god (ref 1). It is intriguing that the earliest discovered inscription of Yahweh in Israel contains the statement, "You are cursed by the God YHW." This may be attributed to the notion that Yahweh was a false religion from its inception, employing scare tactics to exploit people. One can imagine the priests of that time deceiving individuals by proclaiming, "Hey, you there! Yes, you! You are cursed by the God YHW." This manipulation would lead people to inquire, "Oh no, what should I do?" And the response would be, "You must offer atonement through sacrifice. Alright, hand over your bull for slaughter and some coins."

Adding to the credibility of this notion is the fact that the bible was written to alter the original history, while libraries and schools containing contradicting information were intentionally destroyed. Fortunately, enough evidence has been unearthed to substantiate the claim that Judaism is a deceptive religious system where lazy men tricked hard working men out of their fruits of their labor. ... he-hebrews

Here is another site done by the late Dr Lintner called Jesus is Buddha Here is a lecture done by him where he proves the bible was fabricated to mislead others. this video is part 1 of 4 make sure to watch all 4 parts.

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Re: Jesus the Nazarene, and Yesus of Kasimir.

Post by Nordic »

Lots of good links & imaginery here, thanks. Not sure why in general people have tendency to equate OL Yesus with Biblical Jesus, as opposed to e.g. Buddha (Buda, Fo) or Krishna (Krisen the herdsman). All of these characters, plus the Scythianus-Buddas-Mani trio, share some similarities and it's known that there were even multiple Jesuses (example one, example two).

The Egyptian stories of Cheremon/Chaeremon and Manetho of how Jews come out of east into Middle East survive in Josephus' Against Apion (link, I suggest using the browser search function to find Cheremon and Manetho parts).

The fact that "Abraham" of Old Testament comes out from east also hints at this. Brahmin class became the individual character "Abram" or "Abraham". I'll write later here in the forum a post on how the whole Abraham portion of OT is only half of the original version and has been pasted in Old Testament usage at the end of originally unrelated name list. A list that is also known from elsewhere, including referred in OL.

Edit: I knew Lindtner via email exchanges in later portion of his life.
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