Image source: ... ted-supply
A Canadian marketer who had planned to raise a humble few hundred dollars for a charity helping relief efforts in Ukraine has found himself the creator of a viral marketing campaign that has so far earned well over C$1m ($783,000; £600,000) using the unlikeliest of images - a rocket-armed saint. 10 March 2022
See more: ... r-ukraine/
We are in business to rebuild Ukraine. We've donated $2M and counting. (Quoted 27.5.2023)
... but USA inc. is still going strongThe country had entered every major war, from the Civil War through Vietnam, with a draft. But since 1973, the US has deployed to countless global conflicts using only volunteers. ... nscription
To learn more: ... ietnam_War
For example: ... om-265902/
The 1987-88 Marian Year declared by Pope John Paul II marked an important anniversary for the nation of Ukraine: a full millennium of Marian devotion. As one of the first countries to ever be consecrated to the Mother of God, this nation converted to Christianity in 988 under its prince, St. Volodymyr the Great (d. 1015) with its first consecration to Mary taking place in 1037 by Volodymyr's son, Yaroslav the Wise. In 1985, church leaders consecrated Ukraine to Mary a second time, pleading for her protection in the wake of the atrocities committed by the Soviet Union throughout the 20th century. Ukraine received its freedom and declared independence in 1991. ... adonna.php
See more: ... ia-ukraine
Prince Yaroslav the Wise consecrated Kyivan Rus to the Virgin Mary in 1037. Some sources claim that he was the first ruler to dedicate a European nation to the Virgin Mother of God. The “Sub tuum” or “Beneath thy protection” is the oldest preserved prayer to the Virgin Mary. Traced by modern scholars to the third century, it is a well-loved prayer in both the Catholic and Orthodox Churches. At the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Pope Francis encouraged the Church to pray this prayer to the Mother of God for healing. ... r-ukraine/
The Madonna of Kyiv is a photo of a woman nursing a child while taking refuge in the Kyiv Metro, taken in February 2022 in the first days of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Taken by journalist András Földes, the photo has become popular on the Internet. It has become an illustration of both a humanitarian crisis and an unjust war. Ukrainian artist Marina Solomenikova drew a portrait based on the photo, which became the inspiration for an icon displayed in a Catholic church in Mugnano di Napoli, Italy, becoming an artistic symbol of resistance and hope.
“Today we pray, ‘O archangel Michael and all the powers of heaven, fight for Ukraine! Cast down that devil who is attacking us and killing us, bringing devastation and death!’” ... saint.html
13f. Primal Teachings 2 [OL MS 100-101] [Rather], Finda’s folk are a bad folk, for [...], they have created false divinities for the uninitiated — [...] — greedy divinities, full of envy and wrath, who want to be honored and served by the people; who want blood and sacrifice and demand rich offerings. [...] If there are any who see through their tricks and try to expose them, these are caught by their henchmen and burnt for their heresy — always with solemn ceremonies, in honor of their false divinities — but in truth, it is only to protect the priesthood.
15b. Hellenia: Princes and Priests [OL MS 135-136] Among their invented gods, they had also created bitter-cruel idols. A pestilence broke out in the lands and they claimed that the gods were furious about the disobedience of the protesters. Then the most rebellious were strangled with their chains.
15c. Yesus or Buda of Kashmir [OL MS 139] They went to live in mountain caves, but in these they had stored their treasures and made images in the likeness of Yesus. They gave these images to the unsuspecting people, and in the end they said that Yesus was a god; that he himself had revealed this to them, and that all who would believe in him and his teachings would enter his kingdom hereafter, where joy and pleasures reside. [...] While they knew that Yesus had taught that one should control and direct his passions, they preached that one must kill all his passions, and that the perfection of mankind consisted in becoming as emotionless as cold stone.
15e. Gosa's Will [OL MS 142] A bad time has passed by, but another approaches. [...] it comes from the East, from the bosom of the priests. [...] Justice and freedom will perish, [...] At first they will glimmer, thereafter struggling with darkness until everyone’s hearts and minds become bright and clear. Then domination will be erased from Earth [...] and no idolatrous practices will avail against it.
18. Rika: Title Theft [OL MS 191] When the kings had accomplished that they were called feeders of the peoples, they proceeded in having statues made after their likeness. They had these statues placed in the temples, next to the idols of the gods, and anyone who would not bow down to them was either killed or put in chains. Your ancestors and the Twisklanders have dealt with the foreign kings. That is where they learned this foolishness.
19d. Askar Lost to Idolatry [OL MS 205] [...], a temple was built at Staveren, in which horrible idols were placed, with gold embroidered clothing.
A satire drawing from Fryen-magazine* from 1917-1918 about Finnish independence: Lenin places a phyrigan cap on the head of maiden of Finland** 1st of April year 1918, when Russia, France, Germany and Sweden accepted Finland's independence.