tricks of the Magi

both within OL texts as in relation to other traditions
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tricks of the Magi

Post by Kraftr »

I assume that most of Europe was at one point more influenced by the Freyas and their theology and thinking. I imagine a landscape like in Japan, where shinto, animistic sjamanist is melted into one culture with an overarching more intellectual civilizational worldview.

I want to catalog the different possible tricks the Magi used to subvert. Of course many overlap, since it is the art of falseness and corruption all the time. Please add if you can name more.

elevation of local smaller concepts to be the mask of their theology.
So the Finns had a concept of father time (of course chronos) who they made into The Father, with the Greeks who saw beauty as a symbol of divinity they made Aphrodite. In Slavic countries people talked more about the weather, Perkunas (Thor) and elevated this humanisation of the weather (not a god before) into a God.
also a generation may be added, like a son or father of the prevalent godlike concept in the culture.

Rhetoric, bending words and concepts,
like a vine (see minervas talk in old fryasian) it crawls into the walls and breaks them. You see them trying to catch her in frasing, semantics. ridicule, fallacies, all the rethorical traps. Also the bible shows how Jezus fought this. There is even a parralel between his 'don't call anyone father' and the title theft in OLM. I want to catalog as well in another thread how Christianity, like Greek/roman thinking has intergrated many Freyan ways.

Deification of great humans
See ceasars, Nyhellenia, Odin, Sibyle, Tunis, also in reverse gods were represented as or melded with historical figures. Jesus, King Arthur, Abraham and other Biblical personalities.

marketing, magicianship
the staff Moses used to look like a snake is a curled staff, in running water it moves like a snake and upstream, so seems alive.
In Keltas case the image of a head on a stick is really strong, as is a person standing elevated, with an amazing backdrop. Especially to intoxicated people, who are also more susceptible to false rethoric.
They can use rumour, taboos, visual of audio impressive features, vision, soothsayer stuff, plants in the audience, sexual appeal.

False heroes , representation
well history is so full of this. But I was thinking of representing a political situation of domination in reverse, so as a liberation or a reverse conquest. Cleopatra was not Egyptian, but also not Greek. The Persians called themselves and their associates Aryan, and later reverse claimed this to mean European.

messianism and endtimes defeatism
surrender to a leader stay in the cult and accept your fate!

rebellion and perversion
don't you want to just let go live out your frustrations and wallow in selfish shortsightedness, feelgood fantasy and find the shortcut to status. Be an agent of destruction to the target of the Magi.

focus on feeling, superstition and mystique
bend the roots of spirituality to become superficial, empty rituals while embedding them in reverance and idolatry
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Re: tricks of the Magi

Post by Open_Minded_Skeptic »

Wouldn't Japan be considered a civilization of the Findians?
From all I have seen and read about Japan in my life they were very clearly Patriarchal and their morals were based on Power.
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Re: tricks of the Magi

Post by Coco »

While the Japanese are technically classified as "Findas," the Fryas in Europe had no knowledge of their existence. Early Japanese society was under the rule of priestesses, and the earliest ruler of Japan attested by outside sources was the priestess Himiko, who was chosen as ruler following a civil war. This war was likely caused by a natural cataclysm that also engulfed China in the Three Kingdoms period, causing chaos. According to Kraftr's hypothesis, matriarchal societies dominated in ancient times. As such, Himiko and Toyo represented the final expressions of this ruling order. The two books Kojiki and Nihon Shoki, which contain a blend of myth and history, were composed at a subsequent date and served to justify the reigning emperors, who were predominantly patriarchal. Japan has had a few empresses called josei tenno, but these are exceptions.

With regard to their morals, they strongly draw from Buddhism. Among the various Asian (or Findan) groups, I have found the Japanese, when compared to their neighbours, to exhibit considerable moral integrity, orderliness, and decorum. I posit that had the Fryas embarked on more extensive global exploration and documented their oral tradition at a later point in time, it is plausible that they might have incorporated a fourth daughter of Earth, endowed with a blend of Finda's and Frya's characteristics.
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Re: tricks of the Magi

Post by Kraftr »

my comparison with Japan was referring to the mix of sjamanic folklore and Buddist/filosofical culture there. That in Europe a more intellectual, constructive, formal, organised civilisation segment of Adela-followers (comparable to Buddism)with a real institute in the Matriarchs throughout Europe and even the middle East, possibly Asia, would probably-in my assumptions- have coexisted with a culture of spirits,fairy- heroic- and moral tales(comparable with Shinto, ghosts, fables and such), and other cults, which would -from mostly Mothers- increasingly change to male priests and more superstitious. So even if most rites would be under the umbrella of the mothers, people would have house-, water-, woods-, animal-,plant-, professional- and family-spirits and habits, tales of Wodan, statues for blessings, curses, lifelessons like the 'unsocial man' Grimm-like tales etc. The Mothers would also have sjamanic attributes, like Asian monks. From astrology, omenreading, counseling and seasonal rituals to rituals with water and fire, and maybe other things, sunrise/sunset, weatherconditions, social events, rites of passage, weaving, blessing homes, boatlaunches, expeditions, weapons, babies, oaths, funerals, using cerimoniously harvest produce, salt, medicinal herbs, eggs, breads, flowers, milk, metal, wood or amber.
Songs and ritualised speeches, parades and ceremonies. I think this is reasonable speculation. Like Asian monks they would keep records and have a more official status. In regard to the patriarchal side; apart from the respect and freedom the Mothers, maidens and general women would get in northern Europe, Germanic men would be pretty virile too; warriorculture was a big part of society, they just didn't let it dominate and terrorise their own people, and would not fight others to oppress them, like Eastern tribes and Rome would. The (pan-tribal)Matriarchy system and Ting gatherings helped with this, for a long/most time keeping powerplay in check.
Many maidens were however also known to invigorate the clans before or during a fight and fire up the men to the amazement of the Romans, on the other hand there is a very well known battle in Italy that got stopped by the women standing inbetween the parties.
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