Afterlife and Mysticism in Frya's Religion

both within OL texts as in relation to other traditions
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Er Aldaric
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Afterlife and Mysticism in Frya's Religion

Post by Er Aldaric »

Celtic image of rebirth on Gundestrup Caludron
The uncertainty around death and the afterlife is almost universal, as a child my first questions relating to spirituality were "What happened before I was born", and "What happens after we die"? The Oera Linda book puts forward a new perspective on spirituality so I think it's important to look into these primary questions through the lens of Frya's religion. This post will also touch on some more mystical elements of the OL and also some seemingly irregular views seen throughout the book.

When reading my 2022 Full size translation a footnote by Jan in particular stood out to me. When Hidde Over de Linde tells his son he must guard these books with life and soul, he brings up:
The distinction between life and soul might suggest that the author believed that the soul can continue to guard the scriptures between lives or subsequent incarnations,
Now if Hidde had preserved Frya religious beliefs, that'd mean that some form of reincarnation was an accepted belief among the Fryas. This doesn't seem to be touched on again, but there are some some fragments relating to what happens after death. For example, in "Demetrius and Friso",
against your will, your body was defiled. For that, you are not to blame. But if you defile your soul, you will never reach Walhalla.[8] Your soul will then wander the earth, never able to see the light. Like bats and owls you will hide in your hole by day, and come out at night, crying and howling upon our graves, while Frya must turn her head away from you.
the messenger in this book references a Walhalla, which seems to be the origin of what we know today as the 'viking valhalla' (a concept that was twisted by the Magyar to promote/justify their wars?). This fragment also implies that if you die with a defiled soul IE you betrayed the 'Even', you cannot enter this realm and are stuck in the material world, a ghost.

'Watch Stars' seem to have relevance to the afterlife. Frya, Finda, and Lyda are all said to have ascended to 'Watch stars' after death, where Frya (at least) would have a role of protecting spirit along with her seven maidens. We see her spirit being invoked so it seems that spirits on this level are there for guidance and are worthy of veneration, not unlike Christian saints.

The final insight into what happens after death has to deal with the metaphysics around Wralda and his soul. We know that everything in life and our world are temporary blips in his being. To visualize, Wralda would be an ocean and everything we know including ourselves are waves on the surface. When it is said in Primal Teachings 1:
All that we can see of him are the created beings that come and go again through his life, because from Wralda all things proceed and to him they return.
Out of Wralda comes both the beginning and the end. All things merge into him.
Wralda is the only almighty being, because all other power is borrowed from him and returns to him.
From Wralda, all forces are derived, and all forces return to him again. Therefore, he alone is the creative being, and nothing is created outside of him.
In the beginning, we borrow life force from his spirit and incarnate, and in the end we flow back to Wralda, both our physical body decomposing into elements and our soul returning to where it came, again like waves dissipating back into the sea.

There seems to be some discrepancies between all of these fragments that need to be sorted out. Of course we won't get our complete answer until after we die, however I think we should start doing more comparative research. For example we know that many ancient sites researchers attribute to Celts would have actually belonged to Fryans. Perhaps by looking at the artifacts found there with the knowledge of the OL we can gain some more insight. For example, going back to the reincarnation narrative. It's commonly known that the Celts believed in reincarnation that had to do with ancestry, not karma. This I feel would be more in line with Frya thinking than karmic reincarnation found across asia.

There are also some inconsistencies with beliefs it seems. We see in multiple instances especially with Kalta that sorcery witchcraft is real and can influence others, however in another instance belief in witchcraft is mocked. We also know from the Demetrius and Friso chapter that there is a legitimate belief in ghosts, and later a belief in spirits was mocked.
Among our people, it had come to be that many women — and even men — whispered about ghosts, elves, and gnomes, like the Danes. Askar had taken advantage of all this superstition, and we now intended to do the same for our benefit. On a dark night, I brought the maidens to the bastion, whereupon they went about dressed in white cloth, haunting the maze of paths so that no one afterwards dared go there.
My theory is that due to the high levels of superstition enemies of Fryas folk had, there was a cultural shift that headed towards a more atheistic view of the world to distance themselves from the enemy. I'm curious to know what other people on this forum think about the religious beliefs established by the OL.
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Re: Afterlife and Mysticism in Frya's Religion

Post by Nordic »

Interesting topic and a good starting point!

For Frisians we have the story of Redbad, who was apparently more eager to see his kinsmen in "Hell" (Valhalla) than be among foreigners in Christian heaven (source).

The Norse peoples definitely believed in reincarnation, as seen in Sígrun-Kára pair (source, more).

The Finnish peoples also believed into reincarnation, as seen in a heathen (pre-1000s) poem on bucks eating golden leaves containing textile spinning women that was recorded down in the late 1800s. This is obviously connected to Norse Asgård mythology where there are Norns, golden leaved Glasir grove trees next to Valhalla and holy goats like Heiðrún (goats, grove, see also 'goat in a tree'). The full explanation of this all had to wait to 1984 when the full explanatory heathen story came out on Valhalla, goats (bucks), souls and tree leaves. Luckily for us we have this nice English language explanation here.
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Re: Afterlife and Mysticism in Frya's Religion

Post by ott »

This is indeed a great topic to explore and discuss.

Five years ago, I made some blog posts related to this, but some of it may have to be revised now, as my views will have somewhat evolved since then:
  1. Future and posterity
One should be added about superstition and sorcery/witchcraft.

A quote from blog post 1.:
(...) it is noteworthy that the Primal Teachings ("FORM.LÉRE", 1 and 2) about Wralda where not included in the "Book of Adela Followers", the collection of texts that were initially copied from various burgs as suggested by Adela, ca. 600 BCE. Her daughter Apollonia added them later and wondered why they had been left out as they had a prominent place on the walls of her burg Liudgarda that had also been a burg that must have been familiar to her parents, Adela and Apol, the latter being the reeve responsible for collecting texts from his district. Also note that neither Adela did not once refer to Wralda in her speech, and nor did the last 'Folkmother' Frana in her prophecy. Adela did refer to Frya in a religious way and Frana addressed a personified Earth.
A relevant fragment that came to mind (adding to Friso's letter to his children), included in blog posts 3. and 4., is (ch. 18. Rika: Title Theft [192/20]):
Then you will be damned. Your ghosts will rise affrighted from the graves.
They will call upon Wralda, and upon Frya and her maidens, though none shall be able to lend any relief before the Yule enters a new cycle.
This suggests that at the beginning of a new cycle, the damned souls are freed again.
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Re: Afterlife and Mysticism in Frya's Religion

Post by ott »

ott wrote: 15 Jun 2023, 07:29One should be added about superstition and sorcery/witchcraft.
Two (of more) relevant fragments are from 8b. Wodin and the Magus:
When Wodin returned, the magus gave him his daughter to wife. He was then incensed with herbs. But among them were magic herbs [TÁWER.KRÛDON], and Wodin gradually became so audacious that he dared to disavow and ridicule Frya and Wralda’s spirit while he bent his free neck before images of false gods.
and from 9a. The War of Kelta and Minerva:
At the first war feast that followed, when all her landsmen were armed, she brought out barrels of beer, to which she had added a magic potion [TÁWER.DRANK]. When the folk was altogether drunk, she stood upon the back of her warhorse, leaning her head upon her spear. It was the most beautiful scene as the sky turned red in the dawn. When she saw that all eyes were fixed upon her, she opened her lips and spoke: “Sons and daughters of Frya! (...) Minerva has bewitched all the folk — yes bewitched, my friends — even as all our cattle that died recently. (...) I would burn that witch in her nest!” (...) the drunken folk was so much aroused that they had lost any sense of reason.
So, entheogens were used to manipulate people, without them knowing, which takes away their free will.

This was and is a real thing, not superstition. In a similar way, later varieties of the magi may have used their 'magic' to imprint and enslave masses of people, creating impressive temples with enchantingly beautiful statues, paintings, (organ) music and perhaps intoxicating incense.

Festivals, sports (mass events), radio, cinema, television, advertisement and the internet may have been used likewise.

The Kelta fragment may be one of the oldest examples of war propaganda.
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Re: Afterlife and Mysticism in Frya's Religion

Post by PýrKlépsas »

ott wrote: 15 Jun 2023, 07:29 This suggests that at the beginning of a new cycle, the damned souls are freed again.
Very interesting! Title theft has to be altogether my favorite parts of the whole codex, it has a lot of depth.
ott wrote: 15 Jun 2023, 08:24 The Kelta fragment may be one of the oldest examples of war propaganda.
Very good post! I have thought the same way but you arranged it in a clear way.
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