Am I hallucinating, or is it all about this tree?
I went to Portugal in 2015, to do permaculture, to escape the rat-race, debt servitude and the panopticon. In Portugal, the 'eucalyptus mafia' is seen as the main suspect in the forest fires here. But it goes much deeper, the rabbit hole always leads to Sidon (Zion?). The EU wants to go 'green', thus whe shall rape the countryside of Portugal, since here is most of Europe's Lithium deposits. October 2017 I got almost burned alive in the worst 'wild' fires of Portugal in history, done by the false priests from Sidon. Since then I feel already in my next life, like nothing to lose, come and get me. Last week I was spared in fires that burned even more land(according to the press) than in 2017..
After the fire of 2017, I made a trip to India to escape the black, I needed some colour. Somehow in India I felt really in a different world, but so familiar.. It felt like a lost home.. Am I an ancestor of the Geartmen? I hope I will return there one day, India is a wonderful country. When I studied sociology at UvA, I learned city dwellers are blasé, and when I had an accident in the streets of Amsterdam I saw that confirmed. But in the slums of Mumbai I met wonderful people, I guess they all just came from the village.
It's funny, when you say India, people think of scams. To me the average Indian seemed so much more honest, friendly, hospitable and sincere than what we are used to in the West. Its like Finda's people got an advantage on us, on morality..
I got a bit off topic maybe, because the point I really wanted to make with this post is that we could re-create the Linde dominated forest, just throw some seeds here and there, guerrilla gardening!
After the forest fire, I had to pull all the eucalyptus seedlings and mimosas, so my land will become dominated by native species of (cork) oaks. I would love to add some Tilia here, especially since I learnt they are better for creating humus than oaks,
I named my Quinta after the owl, not realising the significance with Minerva. It's like I already knew..