Positive mentions of the OLB in the media,.. usually the media rejects the (authenticity of) the OLB..

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Positive mentions of the OLB in the media,.. usually the media rejects the (authenticity of) the OLB..

Post by Friedrich »

Did anyone of you come across a mention of the OLB in the (mainstream) media, where the manuscript wasn't ridiculed? Does it ever get a fair press? Not much, as it seems.

Today I found an article on the 'Nordictimes.com', from half a year ago, that seems to give some honest information about the OLB. https://nordictimes.com/culture/the-eni ... he-fryans/

Even Jan Ott got mentioned, and credits to Asha Logos, a Youtube channel worth to watch, with some 'good' (as it seems for me so far, I mostly agree with it) videos about the OLB.

The Nordic Times claims to be 'truly independent', me as a sceptic says, who knows.. Looking at their other articles ('most read') I doubt it though.. I don't believe in independent journalism since I got tired of the Groene Amsterdammer more than ten years ago.
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