Forum introduction by Jan Ott

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Forum introduction by Jan Ott

Post by ott »

In this Wheeltide, ending the year '22 and beginning '23, the O.L. Foundation opens The Oera Linda Forum, aimed at facilitating research, discussion, inspiration, connection.

Hundred and fifty years ago, in 1872, the first printed edition of the Oera Linda texts, with a Dutch translation and introduction by Dr. Jan Ottema was published. In the last year and a half, four English editions were published — 500 printed copies each, as well as e-books. Never before was study of the material more easy, whether based on the brand new English translation, the transliteration or straight from the original manuscript.

In the coming year, several new projects can be expected, for example the publication of a 'final' (fully revised, deluxe) edition, a translation-only (pocket?) edition, an audio book. More interviews will be realized as two have already been planned for January. There is more to be revealed later.

This forum will evolve in time, as volunteers come forward to make it more beautiful and structured. A Wiki is intended to be added soon.

= = =

As a personal intro, I would add that I discovered Oera Linda in the summer of 2009. A year and a half later, I found a forum discussion at 'Unexplained Mysteries', based on a book about Oera Linda by the late Alewyn Raubenheimer from South Africa. This discussion went on for years, had its highs and lows, but has overall been very stimulating and inspiring. It urged me to make the new English translation, more accessible to other readers and researchers. For the first edition, I have been greatly helped by four native English proofreaders, but in particular from the fourth edition onward, the translation and accompanying texts have been improved with the help of professional editor/translator Bruce Stafford. Therefore, if readers of this forum notice my flawed command of the English language, I can reassure them that the current book is of better linguistic and vocabular quality.

I do not have a relevant academic (e.g. language, history) degree, as I studied more exact sciences (anatomy, physiology, bio-mechanics, statistics), combined with philosophy (of science and of consciousness). This also contained a good deal of 'history of sciences'. However, as a teenager, I already did my own (family-) historical research, visiting archives (which were not digitized yet) — paging through (mostly) 18th century handwritten sources — interviewing elderly relatives, collecting 19th century photos, inventing systems to organize and analyze what I found. After finishing my MSc studies at the Free University of Amsterdam, for seven years I worked as a secretary (later: secretary general) of the Dutch Federation for Cinematography — a trade union of all cinema's (incl. art-house theaters), film distributors and film production companies. In the 5+ years after I quit that job and before I started my Oera Linda journey, I mostly traveled and learned about ancient cultures and mythology.

= = =

May this forum inspire you, may it answer some of your questions, may you add to the discussion or shed new light on topics. Whatever your thoughts are about Oera Linda's authenticity, relevance and value, I warmly welcome you.
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Re: Forum introduction by Jan Ott

Post by ott »

Some notes about why I have not been more active on this forum (and elsewhere) in recent months.

Besides the fact that there was much work to do on the wiki, I find it increasingly difficult to express myself in English. With German and even Dutch, it isn't much better.

My current focus of interest is back on the revised-chronology (Chronologiekritik) question. There are good German sources for this in particular. For example, this video is a good introduction or starting point: Zeitbombe Pompeji (16 min.) by Viaveto TV.

If anyone knows good English language works , please post them in the chonology section.
Cú Chulainn
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Re: Forum introduction by Jan Ott

Post by Cú Chulainn »

Would The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms by Sir Isaac Newton count as English for the chronology sources you’re looking for?


This version is 18th century English, yet may be a good start for cross referencing.

As a quarter German-Austrian, fourth and fifth generation American immigrant, I’ve found many “princes” and “kings” dating around this time, among the Germanic principalities, even before in the 16th and 17th centuries, are often duplicates of similar nobles from the earlier medieval period in say the 1000s for example.

To summarize my thoughts, this time period would be prime for example of when the chronology’s timeline was amended.

Newton wrote the text for the Queen of England at the time, however it is said to be written after his passing. It covers topics such as periods of antiquity:

Chap. I. Of the Chronology of the First Ages of the Greeks.
Chap. II. Of the Empire of Egypt.
Chap. III. Of the Assyrian Empire.
Chap. IV. Of the two Contemporary Empires of the Babylonians and Medes.
Chap. V. A Description of the Temple of Solomon.
Chap. VI. Of the Empire of the Persians.

See synopsis here: ... ac-newton/
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Re: Forum introduction by Jan Ott

Post by ott »

Cú Chulainn wrote: 30 Jan 2025, 23:16 The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms by Sir Isaac Newton
Thanks! I had heard of Newton writing about chronology and indeed intended to dive into that some day.
I’ve found many “princes” and “kings” dating around [18th century], among the Germanic principalities, even before in the 16th and 17th centuries, are often duplicates of similar nobles from the earlier medieval period in say the 1000s for example.
Would it not rather be the other way around, that the ‘earlier medieval’ varieties are duplicates of those from the 16th to 18th centuries, or are the sources about these early medieval nobles solid enough?
Cú Chulainn
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Re: Forum introduction by Jan Ott

Post by Cú Chulainn »

ott wrote: 31 Jan 2025, 06:14
I’ve found many “princes” and “kings” dating around [18th century], among the Germanic principalities, even before in the 16th and 17th centuries, are often duplicates of similar nobles from the earlier medieval period in say the 1000s for example.
Would it not rather be the other way around, that the ‘earlier medieval’ varieties are duplicates of those from the 16th to 18th centuries, or are the sources about these early medieval nobles solid enough?
Yes, this was my meaning and probably a bit due to my American English. A testament to your reflection on struggles with an often multi-meaning language!

Rephrasing, those of these centuries are the foundation for the modern era’s perspective of extended genealogy and cultural heritage based on their “ancestors” who are constructed duplicates. Although, there are cases where peoples, and their vanguard leaders, have records of none duplicates.

Take the Dukes of Mecklenberg, descendents of Niklot (of the presumed 1000s), and the House of Natt och Dag, the “oldest family of pure Swedish extraction” as per Wiki (also of presumed 1000s), as examples.

I feel this is why the Irish annals are overlooked, and Gaelic heritage has been sought out to be erased, because they exceed hundreds of years into thousands of years backwards with very few, if any, duplicated records.

Charlemagne, the real one, and Niall, the forgotten one, are two hinge points for 1000-1250 years backwards that many nobles based their divine right of kings on, for the former.

Pragmatically for the refined chronology, 1000 year clips backwards, upon initial 100 year segments, are imperative to associate a true timeline with modernity. Not from a starting point in the past yet upon the present moment, always from the now, so to say, a date will continue to become a year further back as time persists

Of course, this is without considering how false consciousness is projected into the past based on people’s beliefs of certain people(s) in certain eras, theoretically generating different decision trees and straining past ecosystems altogether.

I’ll start a topic on Niall, since he is certainly dated backwards at least 200 years from whence he lived, and will look into a topic for providing sources that will assist revising the true timeline.
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