Examples where "fake" source turned out to be the real thing

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Examples where "fake" source turned out to be the real thing

Post by Nordic »

The prejudiced wrong treatment OL MS has received for 123+ years does not take place in vacuum. Here we catalogue some similar examples. Others wanting to give more examples are free to join in.

1. American Grolier Codex was long thought to be fake, but turned out to be real about 1000 year old text in 2018 (source, another source).

2. The Phoenician cosmonology of Sanchuniathon was apparently considered to be a Greek re-telling of the Phoenician original, but according to Wikipedia:
turned out to be supported by the Ugaritic mythological texts excavated at Ras Shamra (ancient Ugarit) in Syria since 1929; Otto Eissfeldt demonstrated in 1952 that it does incorporate genuine Phoenician elements that can now be related to the Ugaritic texts, some of which, as shown in extant versions of Sanchuniathon, remained unchanged since the second millennium BC
[Source: Wikipedia on Sanchuniathon]
This author claims similar situation for OL regards ABC19 Weidner Chronicle and Sumerian King List. Furthermore that OL episode of Tunis's naval journey with descendants of two Finnish army groups after the sinking of Altland was the model for Sanhuniathon's peculiar note on how when Atlas fell the descendants of Dioscuri went on to a naval journey to consecrate a temple at Levant.

3. Helena Blavatsky was erroneously claimed as fraud for her sources in Secret Doctrine or Book of Dzyan affair and it was only so late as in 1970s and 1980s that other researchers realized she had been using real Tibetan sources all along, just as she claimed (source, more specific analysis).

4. Similar to Blavatsky, Nicolas Notovich reported seeing in Asia ancient books dealing with Jesus' life in India and had to defend himself for rest of his life from charges of fraud. Later other researchers taking the effort to visit same locales could corroborate them and verified the actual existence of the original sources (source, book for sale containing the report). Jesus' life in India is mentioned also in likes of Bock family saga, known to public since 1984 and is the likeliest role model for medieval Norse saga accounts of seeking the Christian paradise in India.

5. Rohonc codex is a mystery manuscript similar to OL that has been thought of as literary hoax. Researchers have however been able to show that it contains a real language, not a fake one, plus have been able to decode portions of the text as genuine Christian religious texts (source). The codex uses chronology similar to Anglo-Saxon chronicle (that seems to be based on the OL one) and contains letters similar to the ones in OL.

Rohonc-Codex-similar-letter-OL.jpg (32.75 KiB) Viewed 3211 times

6. Bock family saga, known to public since 1984 when it was first time recorded down into folklore archives, has been over the years continuously ridiculed by laymen and (some) academics as made-up 1970s or 1980s fakelore. Yet the dynasty described in the saga turns up in medieval historical contemporary or near contemporary reports (priest Sicco 'Buck', Lammekinus rex pagani 'Lemminkäinen king of pagans', Narayrgen 'Men of the Sun'). Its stories about a Nordic paradise garden of Eden, likes of pagan Ódainsakr or Undensakre as Christian Paradísum, and its cultural notables, e.g. evil Nordic man Krishna or Jesus' Nordic roots, were once real medieval European cultural traditions known to Icelandic Norse and popes alike.

The-Chronicle-of-Henry-of-Livonia-chXIX-p152-popeInnocentIII.jpg (47.8 KiB) Viewed 3211 times

Furthermore when a Buddhist description of a distant northern holy land Uttarakuru is translated from Sanskrit to English (city names, person names of Āṭānāṭiya Sutta) the core of Bock family saga emerges, evidence that the Odenma holy land was an old story already in 500s to 400s BC. Finally, in 2022 an actual medieval axe head was found from inside the Lemminkäinen temple cave with preliminary (untested) dating of 1100s. Axe head is notably similar to other similar axe head finds dated to 850-1050, meaning the saga story of treasures hidden into the cave in year AD 987 could be real after all.

Destructed northern European artifacts

It may be also necessary to point out that knowledge about Nordic prehistory gets physically deleted over the years:
  • Danish AD 400s Gallehus horns were stolen, destroyed and replicas stolen (source)
  • Danish ancient Høbbehøjen Jol stone was destroyed (source)
  • Swedish Viking era runestones were destroyed (source)
  • Finnish AD 1000s pagan golden crown was destroyed (source)
  • Finnish ancient pagan megalith site was destroyed (source)
  • Frisian stone age site deemed 'unique' was destroyed (source)
... thus the idea that any pagan Northern European finds would automatically be safely preserved, put into museums for people to see and studied by academics is not accurate.
Last edited by Nordic on 23 Mar 2025, 12:59, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Examples where "fake" source turned out to be the real thing

Post by Nordic »

Ott, in the The Trueman Show (about 30:00 mark) you recently mentioned a destruction of a Dutch bronze age field. Can you please provide a link to news about it? I want to add it to the above list of destructed historical places and things.
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Re: Examples where "fake" source turned out to be the real thing

Post by ott »

Description of Groningen University
Article from broadcaster
Podcast part 1 and part 2
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Re: Examples where "fake" source turned out to be the real thing

Post by Nordic »

Some examples of textual research

Examples of where a computer aided stylometry or manual text comparisons has unmasked real authors:

In 1974-1979, the Soviet Russian mathematical researcher Anatoly Fomenko found out via computer assisted stylometry that practically all attested Biblical, Roman and general historical genealogy tables known to western culture are forgeries as to their year length information, thus forming over and over the exact same patterns when drawn visually (source)

In 1983, the Tibetan source of Helena Blavatsky's The Secret Doctrine was unmasked as real, genuine Tibetan text via manual text comparison (source)

In 2013, the author J. K. Rowling (the Harry Potter author) was unmasked as author of crime novel The Cuckoo's Calling via computer stylometry (source)

In 2014 via computer stylometry The Book of Mormon was found to have outright copied text from work The Late War Between the United States and Great Britain, among other influences; previous stylometry had established the book had multiple authors for it (source, source)

In 2016-2018 this author via manual text comparison found out that Oera Linda book corresponds at greant length to group of related Norse sagas and most crucially (2018) to two Sumerian texts SKL and ABC19, the latter two ruling out any possibility of mid-1800s Dutch forgery origins for the book; a further Norse-Sumerian textual correspondence independent of Oera Linda book was also found (source)

In 2019 via private computer stylometry an anonymous North American Oera Linda book researcher found out the book had multiple authors writing it (private correspondence)

In 2022 via computer stylometry Shakespeare's works were unmasked to be to exceeding lenght direct copies of one Thomas North's writings, suggesting him as the original author from whom the pen-name Shakespeare bought the texts (source)
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