Corresponding evidence in archeology and other manuscripts.

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half life over
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Corresponding evidence in archeology and other manuscripts.

Post by half life over »

It is often said by Christians the oera Linda book is a parody of the Bible. I present evidence that the Bible is a subversion of the Oera Linda Book.

In the Netherlands, they recently found a Stonehenge that dates back 4000 years. They built artificial hills and set up poles to track the movement of the sun.

“Around the hill was also a shallow ditch with several passages. On certain days the sun shone straight through those passages on the hill. Just like in Stonehenge, where the sun shines through the stones on important days. The most important days, also in Tiel, were June 21, the summer solstice (longest day) and December 21, the winter solstice (shortest day).” (Ref 1)

In the Book of Enoch, it is mentioned that Enoch was taken by angels and shown six gates through which light passes (ref 2).

What are the odds that the Stonehenges found throughout Europe would function exactly as the calendar system described in the Book of Enoch? Especially considering they are located in Europe, not the Middle East, India, Iran, or Jerusalem.
The Oera Linda Book contains a passage about Enoch.

“Enoch, Dywcke's husband; Grevetman over Westflyland and Texel. He was chosen nine times for sea-king. Waraburg, Medeasblik, Forana, and Fryasburg are under his care.” (Ref 3)

The Stonehenge in the Netherlands, mentioned above, is located in the vicinity where Fryasburg would be. This ultimately reinforces the notion that the Bible is a work of evil meant to deceive our people.

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Re: Corresponding evidence in archeology and other manuscripts.

Post by ott »

half life over wrote: 29 Jul 2023, 16:48 In the Book of Enoch, it is mentioned that Enoch was taken by angels and shown six gates through which light passes (ref 2).
The Oera Linda Book contains a passage about Enoch.
The name is the same, but there is no reason to assume they were the same men. Likewise, Apol does not have to be Apollo. What this likeness of names does show is a cultural link.
The Stonehenge in the Netherlands, mentioned above, is located in the vicinity where Fryasburg would be.
Tiel and Den Burg, Texel are over 100 miles separated.
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Re: Corresponding evidence in archeology and other manuscripts.

Post by Nordic »

I share Ott's thinking that the Enoch (E.NOCH) person in OL 005 does not refer to the Biblical character of Enoch, but does seem to share the same name. This begs the question from what culture the name originally came from: Frisian, Levantine or some other?

The corresponding Sumerian character is called Etana, who also famously goes to heaven. Since this character appears in ~1800 BC Sumerian King List in a segment preceding the Fornjót dynasty list and the OL episodes, a case could be made that there is a possibility that in archaic antiquity there existed a connection to Frisian themes, though we are again at difficulty to explain any connection to Enoch of West Fleeland and Texland. Whereas the similarities to Biblical Enoch are far more similar: "Etana, the shepherd, who ascended to heaven and put all countries in order".

Biblical Enoch's life of 365 years is a seeming astronomical clue; Sumerian Etana's life of 1500 years divided by 12 (ancient moon or lunar years to solar years) gives us 125 years, a possible if somewhat rare age for human to live e.g. Jeanne Calment 122½ years. That being said I did note that the linked article noted an arceological connection to same era (~2000 BC) Iraq or Sumer and the associated note that "The bead proves that people exchanged things and ideas far beyond the area" so maybe there was a Frisian-Sumerian connection that later surfaced as the same name in Frisia and Biblical Levant?

If anyone is interested on the astronomical aspects of the Enoch and his 'gates', an excellent English language book called Uriel's Machine (link) has been written on the topic by two British freemasons. The book goes to great lengths to show how the so-called gates are traditional tools used to track the stars in the night sky. Similar systems must have been known to Finns, as the SKVR poetry contains language on how heroes like Väinämöinen (archetype Magus in OL 082) sets the 'frames' (etymology) in the starry night sky:
[line 5] Then old Väinämöinen
there set a forge
There is no better smith,
no smiter more accurate,
[line 20] than the one who had forged the skies,
clanked the cover of the sky;
no hammer mark is felt,
no plier’s marring marks [1].
[line 30] I would become a man,
when I would be allowed to be the sixth man,
as the seventh hero,
setting the frames of the sky [2]
setting the stars in the sky.
[line 35] Correctly are the Dippers made,
skillfully the heavenly stars. (source: SKVR I1 89)
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Re: Corresponding evidence in archeology and other manuscripts.

Post by ott »

About the name Enoch.

In OL this word (ENOCH, ÉNOCH, E.NOCH) means 'enough' and is related to NOCHT (plur. NOCHTA) which can mean 'nut' as well as 'satisfaction'/'pleasure'. I am preparing a detailed word study.

According to wikipedia
The name of Enoch derives from the Hebrew root (ḥ-n-ḵ), meaning to train, initiate, dedicate, inaugurate
I have noticed many times that mainstream etymology tends to derive words and names from Hebrew, which often leads to very far-fetched or even preposterous claims.

Explanations based on OL/Fryas language are usually much more simple and straightforward.
half life over
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Re: Corresponding evidence in archeology and other manuscripts.

Post by half life over »

Keep in mind the Aryan influence from the Zoroastrians on the Hebrew language. Zoroastrian influence was so great the so-called great temple built by Solomon was a fire temple. A lot of evidence to suggest the Bible is a complete rip off of Aryan and other cultures.
half life over
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Re: Corresponding evidence in archeology and other manuscripts.

Post by half life over »

Name alone no. But the book of Enoch describes in-depth how the Stonehenge’s worked which are found in Europe. It is one hell of a coincidence that a man name Enoch described the calendar system used at the citadels. On top of this we know the Bible is a fabrication meant to subvert.
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