The Dorian migration

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The Dorian migration

Post by Kraftr »

So I recently was wondering about an earlier connection I made between Dorian the greek temple-style and Dorestad, and watched some videos about the Dorian migration, northern greeks going into the lower greek lands. Then I clicked on a vid who would debunk this. They say the 14% northern DNA found in Dorians was in no way explained by the theory of bad nationalists -who wrongly assumed that Greek culture was somehow decended from an ancient germanic invasion. Since it showed a sea route, and assimilation, instead of the nationalists fantasy about some german domination that founded Greek culture.
However this is inline with OL, and proves that it is more likely not to have been written with the chauvinist nationalist bias of the recent centuries, and stays afloat with modern understandings.
OL soft proof supplied by a nationalist-debunker!

I do not recomend the video, there is no information, just denouncing of wrongthink, but here it is; ... lvbg%3D%3D

By the way, how is the ‘bad times’ and Freyas settlement in Greece timescalewise connected to BAcollaps/mediteranean dark age? Or to the earlier bronze age Mycenean age? I remember they reported Greece was devastated when they arrived.
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Re: The Dorian migration

Post by Kraftr »

So apparantly some scolars believe that some peoples eternal enemy is designated by the terms Esau, Edom and Amaleck, first of; Edom is Jordan, a country that is (suspiciously)on good terms with all it’s neighbors. And, according to this video, by what I assume is a proud Mesopotamian, Mesopotamians are the rightfull inheritors/continuation of the Roman Empire, who according to thes scrole-scolars should be the inheritor of Amalechs curse, because in another twist of their logic this is transferred onto Europeans, who are of no relation to any of these wars, regions, names, original religion or inborn hostility. and I must say, although it feels like a Turk wanting to steal European glory, the video seems to be correct. And too bad for them I guess.
Of course this doesn’t mean Amalechs agents were not in western Europe, and maybe even helped destroy Rome, and terrorise Europe with Christianity later on. A good sidequest for this is documentaries I’ve seen on how Nero might not have been a bad guy. I kind of felt the same before, when I saw his interest in art and the great statue he erected. Though misguided, inept and surrounded by unstoppable betrayal, I believe he wanted to resurect the greatness of Rome. Maybe something similar happened in Egypt too, the famous statue of the scribe was, I believe a humblebrag by the ‘man behind the scenes’ (Joseph/Moses?)and we have some peculiar irregularities in kingship and loss of power that are first thing we learn about the Egyptians.

Byzantium =Rome
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Re: The Dorian migration

Post by Kraftr »

Also, Jordan is home to Petra, to where muslims prayed before Mecca. It is where the nabateans got very rich, and the koran was written. The Nabateans are kind of sympathetic acrually, since they believe they sould stay nomadic, not bragg their wealth. They just wanted to stay themselves and be happy with a simple life, so, I could be friends with that kind of people. It’s very Freyan-like.
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