Forum Introduction by Herr der Heere

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Herr der Heere
Posts: 3
Joined: 20 Jan 2023, 02:40

Forum Introduction by Herr der Heere

Post by Herr der Heere »

Servus, Männer.

I am an enthusiast of Christian theology, linguistics, ancient mythologies, and ancient histories (the latter two mostly of Mediterranean/Middle-Sea countries; howbeit Germanic histories are of importance to me). I discovered this great Oera-Linda Chronicle, as most commonly, through the videos of the wonderful Asha Logos—may God bless his soul. On reading the first pages of the book, I immediately recognized the marvelous wisdom located therein. In order to further the study and research of this book, I have come here to periodically propound the theories of mine and discuss the theories of others.

Servus, Herr der Heere.
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