Corrections 'Codex Oera Linda'

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Corrections 'Codex Oera Linda'

Post by ott »

In appendix II of the second (p.244), third and fourth edition (both p.153), a mistake was made. The underlined part of the following statement is incorrect (wording of fourth edition):
In an 1863 publication about Germanic words for ‘woman’,* Verwijs suggested that the name of the town Vronen was derived from the Old Frisian word FRÁN (Dutch: vroom; sacred, pious), while the form FOR.ÁNA (Dutch: voor-aan; in front) was used in Codex Oera Linda. [*Title: ‘De namen der vrouw bij den Germaan’, 1863.]
It should be (see p. 14 of Verwijs' publication):
(...) that the name of the town Vronen was derived from ‘vroon’ meaning ‘lord/master’ (Dutch ‘heer’), while (...)
This does not change the argument made, i.e. that Verwijs' interpretation of the name Vronen/Vroonen was different from what is suggested in Oera Linda.
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Re: Corrections 'Codex Oera Linda'

Post by ott »

Chapter 13i. Apollania’s Journey

Changes underlined (was: 'Alderga' / 'an hour'):
[110/17] Finally, we arrived at the Aldergamouth*. At the southern head of the harbor stands the Treasureburg, a stone building where a variety of shells, horns, weapons, and clothes are kept, brought home from distant lands by the steersmen. A quarter of a day from there is the Alderga,* a great lake surrounded by barns, houses, and gardens — all richly ornamented.

*1. The original says 'Alderga', but from the context it is clear that this must be 'Aldergamouth'.
*2. ‘quarter of a day’ (FJARDÉL) — lit.: ‘four-deal’. Uncertain.
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Re: Corrections 'Codex Oera Linda'

Post by ott »

The "Medea may laugh" fragment of chapter 11c has never been translated well. Until now it was a mystery what was funny about the remark by the quipster from Staveren.
Ottema interpreted HÍR as 'her' and this was copied by all later Dutch translators. Sandbach had: "Medea may well laugh if we rescue her from her citadel."

Menckens (German, 2013) was right to translate HÍR as 'here', buit still missed the point: "Mêdêa mag lachen, daß wir (von) hier aus ihre Burg retten."

With the help of lead editor Bruce Stafford, the new translation is:
As the steersmen lay waiting in the creek [before defeating the enemy], a quipster from Staveren was among them, who said: “Medea may laugh, if us hiding in a creek can save her burg!” Thus, the maidens named the creek ‘Medea-mei-lakkia’.
With footnote:
HÍR UT — can have a double meaning: "from out of here" or "out of this (plan)".
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