Hello, glad to join the forum!
I'm a native Finnish man doing a normal job reaching my thirties. For Oera Linda codex, I have no academic degrees whatsoever on my belt nor of the sort that would have sparked my interest in the subject, but my interest in history was actually resurrected from its' dead grave by Bock saga in the late year of 2019, being somewhat easy to approach by my mother tongue and also english (and maybe eventually rehearse ''swedish'' since the school times), and so, this way I became once more interested in history the school system made it's many year's worth efforts to make it seem completely arbitary and aimless for me. In the end, me being quite green with history myself, after the introduction into Bock saga, it came natural for me to look into some other things and this way Oera Linda eventually showed itself in the form of a video by Asha Logos, but this was still a time I was looking into Bock saga and trying to learn more by the relative little ammount of material that was available. I realized the mentioned codexs' important only quite recently and if I'll get the time I'll try my best to maybe open Bock saga for those that may have problems due to language barrier and why Ior Bock used to say that believing the saga is not so important, but understanding it is, at least share some of my thoughts and to not leave them hanging so some might get some in-sphere-tion out of it. I will most definetely provide some materials, for at least finnish speakers, to help conducting some study on their own. So, of course, please don't be confused if my expected amateurish and sometimes different way to conduct my research conflicts with how many do theirs, thank you - I will clarify this part eventually.
A very short summary what Bock saga is about:
An finnish-swedish man named Ior Bock (1942-2010), aged 42, started to share one claimed oral tradition kept inside one family since the year 987 at Goa, India. I unfortunately never got the chance to meet the guy. The saga tells a story about happenings in a manner almost completely impossible to relate to, but in a way it could actually be somewhat possible if we give a proper attention to the birth of language itself, giving heavy emphasis on sounds and how the latin alphabet known by most of the western world is actually a massive information bank telling the story of mankind since the beginning times. The saga tells about mythologic times, in its' own special way, and after comes the historical happenings. The saga is split in 4 time periods: time before Paradise time, Paradise time (interrupted by 1st Ragnarök), Alt-land-is period/Ice time (interrupted by 2nd Ragnarök), and finally the time period we are living right now that is time after Altlandis, which includes the 3rd Ragnarök that is the destruction of Hel, that is Helsinki, Finland, year 1050.
The claims Bock saga makes that I'm mainly interested at this very moment, with little background:
Bock saga reveals that the coastal swedish dialect pronounced very similarly with the Southern part of Finland (Please note: Oden-maa, Uusi-land https://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uudenmaan_maakunta) is actually one root-language, for language of the humankind. The Finns call swedish language itself rut-sing-kieli/-language, because they ''sing the rot'' language and this way sounds like a lot more like, for example, the many dialects of different parts of Britain, but the pronouncing is still very different. Rot-language was spoken by the aser or as-people, that are well known in norse mythology in different names (''Æsir''), and vaner or van-people (''Vanir'') spoke to a language which was more or less similar to language nowdays called finnish, called simply van. There are many other connections, but please note that because this saga is claimed to be one oral tradition, consequently, it can't really be compared to any stories found from the world, but etymology and other things here and there may give us some clues. If all of this sounds absurd to you, please consider that Finland's connection to other parts of the planet is not an entirely new concept, here's being one example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sigurd_Wettenhovi-Aspa and please note OL page 51, row 19. Ior Bock claimed that the relationship between the as-people and van-people could be compared to the cast-system found in ancient Hindostan with the aryan uppercast, but anyway very different, that lasted up to the destruction of Hel. In the paradise-time, up till over 50,000,000 million years ago, one fertility-cult based breeding system and information system was of global size. The saga is very, very detailed. And now, for my personal objectives to look into and to help somewhat confirm if it is possible for these following claims to have some truth in them:
#1 The english language is actually one mixture of rot- and van-language, but because of one tribal split it fragmented and at least spread around Scandinavia and most parts of Europe, of that time, over 9000 years ago. So the story goes. This way english, one language made for agricultural purposes, has its' origins in these 2 languages that are found spoken in Southern parts of Finland. This would explain why sanskrit spelling is both so similar to finnish, and swedish words' etymological connection also. Krishna came from Hel. Oera Linda codex should possibly have some clues around this if this were the case.
#2 The information that Moses and eventually Jesus brought to the people of northern Africa and Middle-East actually originate from Hel, so while many things have changed in Scandinavia culture-wise, actually because of this many things have preserved quite well: many things were destroyed by Vatican, but others have never been erased. Torah was in its' first form, in my own words, occult ''technology'' that was not originally intended to be brought out among the lower cast, but it was, and from there came the first religions. The writings about gnostics and templars are given completely new spin after looking into Bock saga also. I'm particularly interested if Torah was actually written in a form more close to a hypothetical greek language spoken after that time when Torah was written. Just to speculate and you can connect the dots yourself along with the mythology of ancient Mesopotamia, and also why Oera Linda might be of help with this:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phoenicia ... _(eng).svg
Beginning with this long introduction I hope to have cleared most of the blanks and missing most of the possible mistypes. Thank you for reading.
Forum introduction by PýrKlépsas
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