Finda and woman's responsibility for goodness, and why chinese culture is the way that it is

Cú Chulainn
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Re: Finda and woman's responsibility for goodness, and why chinese culture is the way that it is

Post by Cú Chulainn »

It is apparent there are many personal perspectives in this topic, so I offer an example of love gone awry.

Take Mongfionn, the mother of Brión, Fiachre, Aillil, and Fergus, as a loving figure. She loves her children dearly, herself being a blonde of fair complexion. One of her epithets happens to be fair-haired Mongfionn, to wit. She is a princess of Munster, and a wife, then queen, to the King of Connaught, then High King of Ireland, Eochiad.

Her husband chose to bring a foreigner, either Brythonic Welsh or Germanic Saxon, as a lover back from a raid, and lo and behold, the woman becomes pregnant.

Surely Eochiad was smitten with a fair haired women himself, right? Nay, the blonde haired king fell for the woman named Cairenn, herself having the epithet, chasdub. This means black, curly hair. So, where does Mongfionn’s resentment arise?

Cairenn gave birth to a son, Niall, who she left upon a hill before he was saved by the Ollamh Érenn, Torna. This counters the love of Mongfionn, since Cairenn literally left her babe to die while carrying water as a slave, the only one allowed to do so for the entire royal fort at Tara, mind you, and continues to carry the water until Niall returns at the age of nine to release her from servitude.

Eochiad acknowledges Niall because he had blonde hair. “Surely, that’s my son!” He may have said, to the contrary fuming presence of Mongfionn. She, herself, was said to name the new son as “venomous Niall.”

All of Mongfionn’s children had blonde hair, herself, Eochiad, and Niall, however their love wasn’t for the hair, it was for the offspring.

Mongfionn later tries, multiple times, to end Niall, and even is suspected to have poisoned her husband for her eldest, Brión, to get the throne.

Her own brother, Chrimthann, takes the kingship, and she even still is presumed to take his life also while taking her own through drinking poison.

So, in the history we find that phenotypes are not necessarily exalted, yet acknowledged as epithets by well educated, warrior class ruling people. Such as in Irish, Fionn meaning fair, Donn meaning brown, and Ruadh meaning red.

Connection to kin is valued most, especially in derbfine mating dynamics, when clans interbred within 1:4 or 1:7 degrees, as is needed. Take double helix structure of DNA for example, and we can clearly see it weaving upon itself.

Another point of reference is how Mongfionn’s love clearly was misguided, since she sought to first remove a step-son, then husband, then her own blood-brother for her first born son to gain power.

The love of a mother surely is unique, yet not pure solely to the fair skinned peoples of our realm, amidst apparent spiritual significance available for education among all cultures.

So to say, as “Natives” of the Americas would put it, there are four winds of peoples.

I summarize it as there are two spectrums with two blendings, and a fifth tawny race, however this begins to differ from the OP, and I perceive much of the content in this topic does so anyways, since very little reference to Chinese culture has been curated.

I leave this post with acknowledgement how expression is important, and this is how more of us are made.
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Re: Finda and woman's responsibility for goodness, and why chinese culture is the way that it is

Post by tstrooper »

Mister Cú Chulainn, I have personal question for you, maybe too personal, you don't have to answer if you don't want to.

And correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought you said you were a rosicrucian. What I've wondered for a little while now, why would anyone want to step out of the reincarnation cycle. Like David Icke says, supposedly this world is some sort of trap. But is it not better to make yourself feel like you would like to be here, in this world, instead of wanting to escape. You would be so much happier. And also, don't we choose to come here? So aren't you denying a part of yourself, if you don't want to be here?
Cú Chulainn
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Re: Finda and woman's responsibility for goodness, and why chinese culture is the way that it is

Post by Cú Chulainn »

tstrooper wrote: 04 Feb 2025, 11:49 Mister Cú Chulainn, I have personal question for you, maybe too personal, you don't have to answer if you don't want to.

And correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought you said you were a rosicrucian. What I've wondered for a little while now, why would anyone want to step out of the reincarnation cycle. Like David Icke says, supposedly this world is some sort of trap. But is it not better to make yourself feel like you would like to be here, in this world, instead of wanting to escape. You would be so much happier. And also, don't we choose to come here? So aren't you denying a part of yourself, if you don't want to be here?
It would be unwise to continue sending shafts among sages whom your enquiry is sent. Poor spite in your sophistry, and rhetoric, to not lean upon mine own and two others’ statements, examples, for your benefit.

What is a question? Not hard to tell.
Knowledge queried by seeking wisdom.

Projecting multiple questions about happiness, and misleading information, lends itself the answer you posit. Were I to engage with any other OP tangible evidence of consciousness, I’d be succeeding, as is the goal with parcels of knowledge among this forum and the greater webscape.

However, that is not the case anymore, since you clearly need private messaging, counseling, as opposed to public forum discussion. So to say, reread your accounts messages, and the collective proof is self evident.
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Re: Finda and woman's responsibility for goodness, and why chinese culture is the way that it is

Post by ott »

Cú Chulainn wrote: 04 Feb 2025, 23:06parcels of knowledge among this forum
It also contains parcels of poetic phrasing, more so in recent than in earlier times.
These efforts are appreciated indeed.
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Re: Finda and woman's responsibility for goodness, and why chinese culture is the way that it is

Post by tstrooper »

I think Cú Chulainn is a bot.
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Re: Finda and woman's responsibility for goodness, and why chinese culture is the way that it is

Post by tstrooper »

Apologies.. Please don't take this the wrong way. I didn't quite understand the language of your last post, Cú Chulainn. And I am grateful for any and all advice I may receive. I am not trying to win an argument, against you or anyone. So if I have misconstrued your or anyone else's words, it's not because I want to put someone else in a bad light, but because I want to show clearly my own line of thoughts.
Cú Chulainn
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Re: Finda and woman's responsibility for goodness, and why chinese culture is the way that it is

Post by Cú Chulainn »

Friedrich wrote: 06 Feb 2025, 15:23's not clear to me if you agree or disagree with what I wrote.. Can you elaborate?

Topic: viewtopic.php?t=219
Here is an example of another in this forum which describes how my own messages were written, albeit my messages being from my own tongue, and the example from another.

Myself and two others have given examples in reflection to what you, tstrooper, initially posted.

Summarizing aptly in my own words as: “the loss of my father whom I had a good relationship with has affected me, the disconnect between myself and my mother has also impacted my life. Are there reasons for love felt or the lack thereof? Could they be physical or spiritual, dependent upon cultural differences?

However, upon receiving diverse messages of various experience, from three different people mind you, you spiral from the initial topic into rhetoric which directs esoteric responses toward my person, specifically.

Quite frankly delving into topics which supersede the aforementioned points.

Namely, how reincarnation takes precedent in your own words, and claiming how I’m a bot suggests more that your line of thoughts wanted to discredit my opinionated views, say, in a bad light.

Were you to give an example of Republic by Plato, and how the concept of reincarnated spirit divides, or closes, the variable for love received or given, say, based on prior delineations of experiences inside or outside the cave, then I may have engaged in your questions.

You ask of me characteristics unrelated to my two posts, both of which are focused on the aspects of your topics heading such as the contrasting love of mothers and engrained aspects of different cultures.

I suggest you reread this full topic. Since, any avid surfer of the web would appreciate your vulnerability to take a pseudo victim stance on self reflection, however, they may not appreciate you creating constraints for, as you say, an “argument”, based in presuming I’m a persecutor while you prepare to rescue yourself.

These three things are of the drama triangle (linked below) which is meant to be stepped out of to stop trauma bonding.

Some framing suggests that challengers, or coaches, are the optimal roles to fill, which myself and others have surely taken upon the roles of coaches, and now more so with my person challenging you to do self reflection as to why you posted, and if you should continue posting in the specific topic here.

So, to wit, you take upon the role of coach, or presumably challenger, when my posts and others offer little to no foundation for your successive perspectives on aspects of life not associated with the topic of finding goodness or Chinese culture.

ᚷ [Gebo; Exchange, Gift]
Cú Chulainn
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Re: Finda and woman's responsibility for goodness, and why chinese culture is the way that it is

Post by Cú Chulainn »

Creator is the third empowerment role. This third party, linked below, details all six of the roles, both Drama and Empowerment, further. Down some ways are the main points surrounding Creators, Coaches, and Challengers. It also offers more introspection, based on psychological factors, for Persecutors, Rescuers, and Victims.

Enjoy the freedom of education made available to many of us today. ... nt-dynamic
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